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Unit Count
PostWhat’s the largest ever amount of units a player has amassed during a maximum of 40 days in a HWW round?
Research Labs
PostQuote from Carking the 6th: “Quote from Zaktty: “I get it, and I think there should be more ways to get more research done, plus this would make building more important, I think a better alternative is that every level 5 secret lab in a core province adds another research space, this would be a problem for queueing research though. ” Something tells me this would open the door to an unforeseen exploit down the road. Perhaps just add the ability to pay with resources for the research of more unit…
Post“Illegal Names Bytro prohibits the use of names which are linked to the Nazi regime, dictators, terrorists, other criminals or associated organisations, that are dismissive, rude, vulgar, diminishing or violate the rules or Terms of Service or are deemed otherwise inappropriate by the staff.”-Communication Rules Is this objective or subjective?
Quote from Carking the 6th: “Quote from yahya_: “Around 10 million Ethiopians died from a virus named eee-bowl uhh one day Quote from Carking the 6th: “Quote from yahya_: “The Italian Empire is forever greater. ” Did you use CHEMICAL WEAPONS against Ethiopia? YAHYA, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? YOU EVIL EVIL MAN!! ” ” To be fair Europe has the plague which is worse so they got off easy. Ok but why does Europe (and also Asia) get something cool like THE BLACK DEATH meanwhile poor Africa is just stuck with…
Movement Bug
PostThe movement speed of an army should be automatically adjusted once it captures a province.
Research Labs
PostQuote from TheZhukov: “VERY BAD IDEA Research is tough enough THIS IS NOT CON forget it Tho the saved research should be implemented ” Chill with the caps bro I’ve never even played CON
Research Labs
PostA good idea is to limit the maximum number of labs a player can build, too.
Research Labs
PostI know it might sound far fetched, but I’d like the implementation of research ‘labs’ in the game. These labs will serve as a good substitution to the research tab in-game. Basically, labs have to be built to be able to research new units, and you have to upgrade them to be able to research further (the devs should decide how that works because I have no clue). Each laboratory should have a capacity of 1 unit research/day, and should take around 10 hours to build to avoid mass researching. Resea…