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PostQuote from whowh: “Cmon everyone say something. Which country? HWW still? ” Tajikistan
Quote from Hifive5: “hi I’m back ” O-O
C00L Mus1c
PostTwin tribes - Monolith Its stuck in my head now lol.
These are valid concerns which I am sure Bytro is aware of, but I don't think they can do anything to combat this as of right now. Players can still report multi-account users through the support system, which will hopefully work in quelling these types of people. Seeing as you haven't met any of them yet, it must have worked to some extent. I hope that they will come up with an idea to combat these issues more specifically though, as you said.
Russia Map
PostQuote from moscoviju: “They should make a map like America Homefront but focused on Russia. Russia is a large country so the map would have plenty of space and countries. ” I like the idea, but I don't know if there is enough demand for such a map. More likely, it would just be grouped in with the other Eurasia maps.
Hey @AnonymeggABC1234 There should always be a 'report' option available. I highly doubt that the person you speak of is telling the truth, if I recall, such a username is against CoW policy. Multi-accounting is also very much against the rules. I recommend sending a report to the CoW staff. They can be accessed on the main CoW site by checking the 'support' button at the bottom of the page. There, you should be able to report the issue. Please include as much information as you can (match ID, u…
Quote from Akku: “Quote from croatian kid: “hi akku ” Hi bro ” Akkuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!
Hey Amotah Man, where do I even start... I just want to say thank you. Thank you for being here, for playing with us in RPs, and for all of the good times. When I was coming back to the forum a few years ago, you were one of the original members who I remember and looked up to. The impact you have made is more than you may realize. I know these times might be rough for you, but I just want you to know, you are never alone. If you ever need to talk, my DMs and discord is always open, especially f…
Quote from Joe Bartolozzi: “The gang is back. ” Back again
Quote from Talvisota: “Quote from Claudio NVKP: “In the end, it's not that deep, Salazar isn't that bad as you potray him by nitpicking his mistakes. He ruled for a long amount of time, so there isn't a definite answer for his term. The last years were an outdated regime, while the first years was what was flourishing. He was the a ruthless dictator though. Of course there will be something bad in 40 years? Now to answer this Quote from Talvisota: “Yeah to be fair Claudio, I am a little uncomfor…
Forum protest!
PostAirdrop tank next (Joke... hopefully)
Quote from Amotah: “Quote from Yahooooo: “Quote from General Freiheit: “LIST OF COUNTRIES AVAILABLE: MEXICO PERU ARGENTINA INDIA POLAND TIBET MANCHUKUO PERSIA XIJIANG MONGOLIA TURKEY ” Can I choose Poland? (Sorry For Bad Grammar) ” Sorry to burst your bubble. But this thread was made over 2 years ago. Let alone the fact the game never happened. ” Why not start it up again?
Forum protest!
PostRU senior moderator Quote from _Pyth0n_: “Quote from DeooX: “stop protesting ” A bit late to the party- ”