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The Blame Game
PostI liked your song very much. Share more.
Posti hear ya
Posti just started a new Alliance called the Z-Crew. if you are active and have skype check me out. you can at least play a game with me first if you like
Air operations would be cease to stop, air force grounded, here comes the rockets. I guess that is a two way street but i like my planes better.
Coalition chat
PostCoalition chat is working now. If it happens again i will do a in game bug report.
Coalition chat
PostID 2306705 User Zappper Cause No clue I tried to send to text to members of my coalition, and couldn't. Person to person chat works
yep, i just looked achievements are not listed, but i did see your stats. While i was on our alliance page I checked my achievements I also have none listed. I did see my stats. I looked at some other alliances, I seen their stats, but no achievements listed. I also looked at 3 random players, only one had achievements listed.
4908-a46617f7a478b2fe48285808878241110c344c77-96.jpg General Likes Received949Points3,117Posts2,151 - 17 Feb 11th 2018+6 9b00efaefc9a61818b1cb4606976be90-96.png [/quote] Paratroopers would imbalance the game in favor of the person who could spawn more paratroopers. [/quote]Asked and answered, LC. My advocacy of adding paratroopers is strictly conditioned on their numbers being limited in each country's army. We can argue about the exact numbers, but certainly no more than six to nine paratrooper…
Quote from JCS Darragh: “They would have a limit cap of 15-20 units - They would function a lot like the Airborne in CoN, but would need an Airfield ” My 2 cent's. I agree with the above statement, but if paratroopers capture a airfield and one can get their planes to the paratroopers, we should be able to reuse them. If the unit cap was 20 and you lose 6 in the first battle, Your cap has been reached and you only have 14 left for the rest of the game.
Global chat
PostQuote from VorlonFCW: “The original poster marked it" no bug" himself. I have not bothered to edit it ” yes, not knowing what i was doing I did the "No Bug" because i thought all fields had to be filled in. Now I know what that line is for lol
Global chat
PostI am unable to play CoW at this time due to real life problems. I still read the forums and i would like to be active in global chat as well. I have to be in a game to access global chat. I think it would be nice to have a new tab that has a global chat on it when you log on to the forums. Any thoughts on this?
This question is a state secret.