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Hey Ginger_Ale, To answer the second part of your question, "no" each player doesn't get a 24 hour period. Everyone in the round is subject to the same time table as you. On a side note, in regular speed games, each day is 24 hours and day change will take place 24 hours after the game was initially started. I hope that helps. Happy Gaming!
Hello Zuul, Please submit a report using the the in-game option menu. Click on the setting "gear" icon, and navigate to the "letter" icon. When you hover over it, it should say "request support". From there, find the request type drop down menu and select "report" player. Add in as much detail as possible. A GO (game operator) will reach out to you shortly with more questions or at least to let you know that they have received your request. I hope that this helps some. Happy gaming!'
Hello All CoW Players and Staffers, I wanted to reach out to the community and let the staffers know that I am happy to be here and to let the players know that I am here to assist as best I can. If you have any questions or comments I am open most weekdays between 9am est - 6pm est and sporadically after hours. Happy gaming everyone and thanks again!
Quote from SuggestedSuggest: “Hello, can someone give me specific information on popularity, and the meaning of 'global popularity' and 'our popularity'? I see the our popularity on foreign nations so I'm a bit confused, and I think I know what global popularity means. Thanks! ” Hello Suggested Suggest, To my knowledge, popularity is basically how well the other countries "think" of you, meaning AI countries (As player held countries add another variable). Popularity affects how those AI countri…
PostQuote from Artmiger: “Quote from freezy: “The new labels have all the functionality of the old labels. Attacking timers are still shown, but they are now part of the label itself similar to all other icons and timer. Plus it also has now extra information shown that was not there before. It just looks different now. The upcoming news thread will explain the new functionality. Please play around with it for a while before you judge it. ” Call of War 1.5 - The new interface looks good. Unit health…
PostFreezy, I do like the info as it's shown when zoomed in. I am more at odds with how the game looks in WebGL graphics are on and the screen is zoomed out. The D.O.T placard replacing the unit just looks and feels cheap to me. So, I have switched over to disabled WebGL graphics for now.
PostThis may be better off in the suggestions area, but I wanted to see what other players thought of the new GUI interface.
Hello Bytro Team, I understand that you are always looking to improve the gameplay and interface in any way possible. However, I feel that this upgrade is a step backwards for you. I an effort to pull in and immerse the gamer in the gaming experience, it seems the more detail you can display the better. This update seems very cheap and makes me feel like I am playing Stratego and not Call of War. Honestly, I hope that you can reverse this quickly or at least let us choose how our GUI looks becau…
Quote from freezy: “Quote from King Edmund the Just: “So Freezy, if I have multiple stacks of 10 units in a 5 measure area, will the potential defensive damage be calculated per stack and allow for, say, 20 units to deal defensive damage, or will the top 10 units picked from amongst all the stacks be the ones counted for potential defensive damage? In other words, is there a way, for example, to place 20 AA units in 2 stacks of 10, but within splash damage radius of each other, and have all 20 d…