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Postyapping about what? you used my name, figured you were yapping at me, haha dork!
PostQuote from Tex_Mex2: “VIP the game is p2w ” i didnt pay a penny to win, 54/99 i lost to maby 6-7 to players who paid for their win then most others in AvA battles
Professional victim
Posti.e. The Monkey God
Professional victim
PostQuote from King Romanov theIvan: “Quote from -VIP-: “hmm, if you wanna go there, i did create and lead an alliance through a golden age with a 12-0 win streak reaching rank#56 in all CoW alliances, surely i could lead a batch of coconuts by draining a swam... i have interacted with most of the cult for months now, a good amount of renown id imagine, enough to know that aint the case ” And what exactly isn't the case? Because for this entire month, I wasn't president, I am not at fault for any of…
Professional victim
Posthmm, if you wanna go there, i did create and lead an alliance through a golden age with a 12-0 win streak reaching rank#56 in all CoW alliances, surely i could lead a batch of coconuts by draining a swam... i have interacted with most of the cult for months now, a good amount of renown id imagine, enough to know that aint the case
Professional victim
Posti keep up to date on ALL the Coconut lore since the beginning, 200 years since the Great Coconut Crossing 102 years since the First Coconut Revolution, 66 years since Coconut Grove!! who looks foolish now? the guy who asked "who is her bf" and " is it true you are the coconut hitta?" along with other quotes
Professional victim
PostQuote from King Romanov theIvan: “Quote from -VIP-: “the fact that you let him continue after that and posting it here without proceeding with an uppercut to his jawline right away makes you look yellowbellied and unfit to be Coconut Commander!! if i was youz id hide the transcripts pronto, or look foolish for infinity and beyond.. ” You don't know who I am, or what thin ice I am on, you don't know what goes on in the alliance, you don't know the lore of the union itself, you don't ANYTHING abou…
Professional victim
Postthe fact that you let him continue after that and posting it here without proceeding with an uppercut to his jawline right away makes you look yellowbellied and unfit to be Coconut Commander!! if i was youz id hide the transcripts pronto, or look foolish for infinity and beyond..
Professional victim
Post... cant believe i read all that.... but dont be making rumors about my friend Majestic Starfruit! she is a saint!!
Quote from Joe Bartolozzi: “Quote from GeneralJames: “I follow the will of the People. Most people I have talked to 1). Don't GAF or 2). Are against his presidency. I would also not call you neutral, as you have taken sides in the election drama. ” I'm not neutral but point out a single thing in this thread which is biased against you? Let us agree and move on! ” its biased against the neutral voters..
Quote from AnonymeggABC1234: “Quote from -VIP-: “Quote from AnonymeggABC1234: “Quote from Bandersnatch: “Maybe it would be a good idea to have religious factions after all ” Time to combat secularismQuote from -VIP-: “:| they are evolving... certainly that was misspelt on purpose to throw us off the Claudio AI trail. but we are smarter than they think!!..... surely ” You're acting just like MaFGA: "oOh A pIeCe Of NoN-eViDeNcE!1!!11!!111!!! wE'lL sAy It'S eViDeNcE aNd MaKe ThE fDs LoOk BaD!!11!!!…
New Elections?
Postyou think i dont know who Goliath Coconut is? there is a reason he was chosen, and this is separate from CoW, a whole other arena, were... together... Iron Monkey and Coconut Cult will reign supreme
Quote from AnonymeggABC1234: “Quote from Bandersnatch: “Maybe it would be a good idea to have religious factions after all ” Time to combat secularism Quote from -VIP-: “:| they are evolving... certainly that was misspelt on purpose to throw us off the Claudio AI trail. but we are smarter than they think!!..... surely ” You're acting just like MaFGA: "oOh A pIeCe Of NoN-eViDeNcE!1!!11!!111!!! wE'lL sAy It'S eViDeNcE aNd MaKe ThE fDs LoOk BaD!!11!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!1" ” is that a quote from somebod…
New Elections?
New Elections?
New Elections?
PostQuote from Goliath Coconut: “Definitely make coconut president ” nope, you are in my political party already , Speaker of the House, with the coconut cult behind us the election will certainly be a landslide muahahahah!