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  • At the end I had the following 211 units (see also screenshot): 32 mot inf, 30 AC, 60 LT -> did most of the work and had to be healed quite a lot, especially the mot inf (as expected). 12 MT -> conquered two cities in Sweden and some other provinces. At day 2, most of the work was already done. 29 inf, 3 AA, 2 AT, 3 militia -> meat shield for my arty and protecting cities 1 int -> did nothing 16 subs -> few kills against Denmark, shielding against inactive Uk and Sweden. With hindsight cruisers …

  • Now let's proceed with day 2. As mentioned, it seemed easy to finish the game today. I still had to conquer 4 cities from Spain, 3 from Italy and 2 from Yugoslavia, but as they were not that active and lost already quite some army, it seemed easy. It turned out that Spain did not have any unit left, so I could just split up my stacks and conquer the provinces one by one. Italy put most of his units (about 12, mostly infantry) in one city. I didn't want to lose my stack with 5 Mot Inf and 5 LT, s…

  • Quote from AnonymeggABC1234: “Quote from General2.0: “I did not mention an important element: as it will be my last game, I will try to spend all my gold (120k) and booster cards. At the start I have these cards: ” Are you Dutch? ” Yes I am

  • To gain the needed 419 points, I only need to conquer four player countries: France, Spain, Italy and Yugoslavia and a bunch of AI countries. When I entered France with my first stack of 5 mot. inf. and 5 LT a few hours after the game started, I immediately got attacked by 1 interceptor and 1 tactical bomber. Of course that did not worry me much, although it meant that France is active and uses WB and probably also gold or boosters to have a tac this soon. When I had conquered the Benelux I atta…

  • At the start I researched Inf, Mot Inf., AC, LT, Arty, Subs and AB. I speed up that research as I have sufficient booster cards to do so. Upgrade core cities to 80% morale instantly with resource and booster cards to make producing more efficient and increase resource production asap. Buildings: Level 2 barracks, 2 level 1 TP, 1 Naval base and one ordinance foundry. After taking Luxembourg I increased morale with booster cards and build a level 2 aircraft factory (to prevent instant spy actions …

  • I did not mention an important element: as it will be my last game, I will try to spend all my gold (120k) and booster cards. At the start I have these cards:

  • PREPARATIONS Goal: to win a CoW map (solo) in two days Map: Road to War as it is the smallest map Doctrine: Axis as they have the best AC-LT rush option. Allies 10% speed nerf doesn’t help. Only reason would be tacs on day 1, but I don’t think that compensates for the fact that they are slower and weaker than axis. Comintern RA in combination with AC-LT is also strong but RA is too slow and AC-LT will take too much damage. PA not available on that map. Country: Germany as it is a centrally locat…

  • Hi, I will post my try to win a map solo in two days soon. Can someone confirm he is able to read this thread? Last time it took ages before it came visible.

  • Quote from General2.0: “I played (and won) America Homefront for the first time last week and it is not showing up in the achievements as well. ” Yesterday and this morning I got a lot of achievements including win on America Homefront, so I guess my stats are ok now.

  • I played (and won) America Homefront for the first time last week and it is not showing up in the achievements as well.

  • Youtube Channel (Long Promised)

    General2.0 - - Off Topic


    Thanks for the update and good luck to Zhukov and his family.

  • Youtube Channel (Long Promised)

    General2.0 - - Off Topic


    There is no video yet, right?

  • My experience with (admittedly easier maps like CoN and recently America Homefront, I consider myself an advanced beginner) is that there are a few players with a lot of games and high level (120 or so) but bad KD and win ratios. I prepare a big war against them and when I attack them, they just don't react and get butchered easily. In my last game a few rejected to join my coalition as it would be more challenging to fight each other but even those just did not fight back. In that game also fou…

  • Ahead of the calendar

    General2.0 - - Questions and Answers


    Is this because Axis and Allies doctrines have later availability of 1 to 2 days for LT, whereas panasian has LT research available 1 to 2 days faster? This leads to a maximum difference of 4 days.

  • I see, that's a pity, but thanks for notifying. I wasn't sure if my comment was visible. I posted the speedrun already: Solo Speed-run Clash of Nations as Germany - General Discussions - Call of War- Forum

  • Youtube Channel (Long Promised)

    General2.0 - - Off Topic


    Spoken comments are key in my opinion. Might be personal, but videos with text comments instead of spoken I simply skip. Spoken comments should not only be what you are doing, but also why.

  • Attacking on Day 1?

    General2.0 - - Questions and Answers


    Quote from Carking the 6th: “As an example, as a certain allied country in WAW I almost always attack it’s Axis neighbor on day one, I’ve always managed to completely conquer it (or at least be in a position to easily win) by the end of the first day. I like day 1 attacks. The faster you get morale and resources up the faster you grow, and you can also scare your enemies by moving fast. ” But with what do you attack day 1 as allies? Do you just stack your starting units and attack with them? tac…

  • Release Notes - 2024-02-20

    General2.0 - - News


    F2P is certainly possible, for example I have 375k manpower in booster cards, without spending money on it (do have premium account btw).

  • Did you declare war on day 1?