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At the end I had the following 211 units (see also screenshot): 32 mot inf, 30 AC, 60 LT -> did most of the work and had to be healed quite a lot, especially the mot inf (as expected). 12 MT -> conquered two cities in Sweden and some other provinces. At day 2, most of the work was already done. 29 inf, 3 AA, 2 AT, 3 militia -> meat shield for my arty and protecting cities 1 int -> did nothing 16 subs -> few kills against Denmark, shielding against inactive Uk and Sweden. With hindsight cruisers …
Now let's proceed with day 2. As mentioned, it seemed easy to finish the game today. I still had to conquer 4 cities from Spain, 3 from Italy and 2 from Yugoslavia, but as they were not that active and lost already quite some army, it seemed easy. It turned out that Spain did not have any unit left, so I could just split up my stacks and conquer the provinces one by one. Italy put most of his units (about 12, mostly infantry) in one city. I didn't want to lose my stack with 5 Mot Inf and 5 LT, s…
To gain the needed 419 points, I only need to conquer four player countries: France, Spain, Italy and Yugoslavia and a bunch of AI countries. When I entered France with my first stack of 5 mot. inf. and 5 LT a few hours after the game started, I immediately got attacked by 1 interceptor and 1 tactical bomber. Of course that did not worry me much, although it meant that France is active and uses WB and probably also gold or boosters to have a tac this soon. When I had conquered the Benelux I atta…
At the start I researched Inf, Mot Inf., AC, LT, Arty, Subs and AB. I speed up that research as I have sufficient booster cards to do so. Upgrade core cities to 80% morale instantly with resource and booster cards to make producing more efficient and increase resource production asap. Buildings: Level 2 barracks, 2 level 1 TP, 1 Naval base and one ordinance foundry. After taking Luxembourg I increased morale with booster cards and build a level 2 aircraft factory (to prevent instant spy actions …
PREPARATIONS Goal: to win a CoW map (solo) in two days Map: Road to War as it is the smallest map Doctrine: Axis as they have the best AC-LT rush option. Allies 10% speed nerf doesn’t help. Only reason would be tacs on day 1, but I don’t think that compensates for the fact that they are slower and weaker than axis. Comintern RA in combination with AC-LT is also strong but RA is too slow and AC-LT will take too much damage. PA not available on that map. Country: Germany as it is a centrally locat…
My experience with (admittedly easier maps like CoN and recently America Homefront, I consider myself an advanced beginner) is that there are a few players with a lot of games and high level (120 or so) but bad KD and win ratios. I prepare a big war against them and when I attack them, they just don't react and get butchered easily. In my last game a few rejected to join my coalition as it would be more challenging to fight each other but even those just did not fight back. In that game also fou…
Quote from Carking the 6th: “As an example, as a certain allied country in WAW I almost always attack it’s Axis neighbor on day one, I’ve always managed to completely conquer it (or at least be in a position to easily win) by the end of the first day. I like day 1 attacks. The faster you get morale and resources up the faster you grow, and you can also scare your enemies by moving fast. ” But with what do you attack day 1 as allies? Do you just stack your starting units and attack with them? tac…
Release Notes - 2024-02-20
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PostF2P is certainly possible, for example I have 375k manpower in booster cards, without spending money on it (do have premium account btw).