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Hey there, so it's been the case for months now and I've been wondering whether it's intended or not? We are able to look up certain games as long as we have the game ID but it's not working anymore regarding usernames. It was always possible to search for games by using the username. Roughly half a year ago, it was announced to be a bug if I recall correctly. How's it looking, devs? Any news on the matter or is that even on your radar? Greetings
Hey there, so it's been the case for months now and I've been wondering whether it's intended or not? We are able to look up certain games as long as we have the game ID but it's not working anymore regarding usernames. It was always possible to search for games by using the username. Roughly half a year ago, it was announced to be a bug if I recall correctly. How's it looking, devs? Any news on the matter or is that even on your radar? Greetings
Quote from Geden: “Quote from xOrleans: “@Geden - So apparently there's a new "bug" that stops achievement progress from updating. Is this already on your radar and if so, do you guys have a fix in the pipe coming soon? Will the progress that's achieved during this time be kept or lost? ” Can you give me some more details? Especially if you have some affected usernames it'd be a big help to diagnose the issue. You can send them to me via DM so as to not spam those players here. ” Sure, just one …
Finally fixed! @freezy - Thanks a lot for your communication regarding the whole matter. It's much appreciated. @Geden - So apparently there's a new "bug" that stops achievement progress from updating. Is this already on your radar and if so, do you guys have a fix in the pipe coming soon? Will the progress that's achieved during this time be kept or lost?
Quote from freezy: “Stats system will be replaced with a new version in the near future which will get rid of these problems. The change is a big one though that's why it can't be done over night. Thanks for the patience! ” Thanks for your reply. It's much appreciated. Are we going to keep our stats whatsoever?
Hey there, so I hate to be that guy but the sheer lack of competence regarding daily issues and the failure to fix cerain problems is truly worrying. Why is it that we have our rank and stats reset on a regular basis? It may be only visual and the stats do return here and there but if you happen to be set to rank 1, you won't be able to join matches that have a set rank requirement. So it does indeed affect the actual gameplay and it's really starting to get on my nerve. However though, these pr…
Eh it's difficult to remember since I've been playing for six years by now - with some breaks ofc - but I'll try. What comes to my mind is the first historic wold war I've played. A friend of mine and I joined together and waited til a new map opened, it was a new scenario at this point. We agreed on playing Western Europe so he hopped in as France (I wouldn't have haha) and I went with the British. Early in the game we were trying to play defensive and build our economy and military up first, a…
No need to spend it. Just use it when you feel like "Damn, I'm lacking something." In my case that'd always be sheer workforce and sometimes oil/ food. Just get some 5k here and there when you really need it. Sometimes I instantly build one industry in one of my cities if certain ressource only appears once in my country, effectively skipping nine hours of building it. A few emergency units due to surprise attacks can help too. I happen to instantly build airfields if air superiority is required…
Quote from 6thDragon: “K.Rokossovski taught me this trick. When the unit is in airplane mode (not convoy for refueling) and you are on desktop, click on the unit, select move, then hover over the province center. A dotted line "circle" will appear as the flight range for that particular unit. ” I've been doing this for five years now but I just don't seem to get used to the app. It's pretty much only for emergency situations and moving naval troops.
Quote from freezy: “Endgame is still in the rotation, just not very often. The reason is that this map is not that popular and has bad KPIs so to say. It often also has an activity problem, which screws the game up a lot (only few player slots, so when your team mates quit you are alone). We cannot randomize it completely as some maps just perform better and are more popular than oher maps, and such maps are run more often. But Endgame will still come in some months at least. ” Thank you for rep…
I played that map three times so far and I've always won, one time being part of a coaliton containing the UK, Spain and Germany (me). The other two times I got a solo victory playing the UK. My ally, USA, went inactive and left me hanging, collecting almost the entire map.. I beat Central Europe twice by spamming rockets, marine and aircraft. Pretty much grinded their infrastructure and focused on a prolonged war. In one of the games I steamrolled France at the very beginning and Germany was no…
Long story short: I've been waiting for Endgame to come back for several months now. There's a certain pattern regarding the "rotation" every week, and it's pretty much always the same few events. Speed maps, 1939, Pacific, Antarctica and so on. It seems like these are choosen manually, maybe make it random or at least don't release the same event four times while ignoring others completely.
I'm really upset. I'm in a coalition with three other people. Against 6 people. We are all in an alliance and our team play is very good. Situation: Two of the opponents use a lot of gold. We are superior etc .. but these people spam rockets, planes, repair units and destroy buildings. It sucks! No one has to tell me thatit's possible to win against such people.I don't call a win if I'm on #1 last day on the map. I call it a win, if I had fun. There are two of them. 6 vs 4. Haha. To make sure ..…