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I played the Pacific map as a west Asian country and had already defeated a 2 country coalition when I came up against a full North American coalition. Luckily I had started building a navy early and had a large naval advantage, which allowed me to sink anything they sent over. Didn't hurt that they did not coordinate their efforts, or had any idea how to scout. I won the race to the Alaskan narrows and after killing a bunch of ships and embarked units, managed to convince one of them to switch …
Quote from VorlonFCW: “If the enemy is already stronger what do you gain by running away? ” You can fall back/retreat/run away if you have more troops some distance away, giving you time to concentrate your forces. If the enemy has overwhelming numbers, running away makes him take longer to wipe you out, maybe throwing off his plans = minor revenge lol
Quote from khaled77g: “i know , i actually dont attack blindly , the problem is when i close and go for sleep for example and wake up to see 50 unit army vs my 10 unit army , in this sitiuation i made nothing wrong , and i just prefer to retreat nomore ” I always try to set my defenses when I go to sleep so nothing like that will [hopefully] happen. Sometimes it does though. C'est la guerre!
So they are not as active as you would like, but only as active as they can be. That is a hazard of coalition play. He was nice enough to accept you into his coalition so why not send him a message about your concerns, ask him to give you leadership of the coalition, and see what his response is. Failing that, drop out and create your own coalition, but be a nice guy and let him know before you do. Your reputation will follow you in this game.
Quote from RiverWolf74: “Quote from gusv: “ ” You have any suggestions for how to start as India? I am in a game as India that I started a few days ago I haven’t attacked anyone yet though I am thinking about taking Afghanistan first. ” Start attacking someone soon or you will be left behind by the more aggressive countries. Expand your production and resource base, as other players are doing it.
Conquer the world and then you only have to see 1 colour
Quote from eruth: “Quote from ross6216: “ ” I've been playing a few games now where some players build lots of aircraft. This seems only to take advantage of new players who don't know how to counter this tactic, especially since they go inactive more often than not, giving that player an advantage over the rest of the players on the map. Shouldn't players who abuse the game by using this intelligent tactic get severe restrictions on what they can build? I personally don't want to use this tacti…
Are you at war with multiple countries at the same time? I try to attack and conquer one country before moving on to the next and rarely get attacked by AI countries that way.
Quote from VorlonFCW: “ land units definitely should be able to open fire on disembarking troops. While disembarking these troops will be a “ship” that is drawn up on the beach. It makes no sense for the “ship” to be invincible to land weapons until the disembarking is complete. Likewise if any convoy or ship comes within weapons range of a land unit the land unit should be able to open fire. If this was not possible you would think that equally absurd. ” I agree! There was a good reason that am…