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miles or kilometers make no matter, since the maps have no scales, and are distorted East- West vs North South. Currently on beta games the North-South dimension is almost twice the East-West.
PostPopulation is not the same as popularity.
Range Ovals
Postboth the firing ranges and aircraft flight range limits have reversed polarity. the long axis is now North to South. Intentional?
Free Boosters
PostYes, evidently unintentional, since the recent downgrade removed the booster back pack!
Servers Down?
PostAll attempts to login to CoW show Host Error. Someone forget to pay the Cloud fees?
Resource production is slower. Troop movement is slower. Denials by the bystro staff constitute the age old saying: "The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it."
"Money Booster Cards" to invest in the Commodities Market, which bystro thinks is a "Stock" market. the markets are so imbalanced they make communism look like a viable alternative.
the bystro business model has always been "pay to cheat" the game was tolerable when very few players had access to their Mommy's credit cards, and sensible players could recognize that behavior pattern and duck into other games. The war bonds offer an easy solution to the ridiculous revolt mechanic. Gut unfortunately can be miss used for insidious purposes. the recent downgrades to the espionage mechanic actually reduce the number of pay to cheat options. A good thing, but far too late in the d…