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Don't Be Like This
PostEven if he was planning on firing from a distance, sending arty unprotected like that is a poor choice. As I sent out fast light tanks and AC to chase them down and destroy before running back
Don't Be Like This
Postoh lol you posted that here. I am the one playing turkey in that match, the USSR guy tried to pull back his arty but it was too late and I chased it down with tanks
A few pointers of mine would be first make sure you can afford the spies on the day change, otherwise you will lose them and it would be a huge waste of money. Also you have to weigh up cost against benefit, is it worth paying for another spy and its wages just to inflict minor or insignificant damage? Might be better to invest said funds towards other things. Ofc im not discouraging against use of spies, getting intel, damaging the resource production of a resource that your foe badly needs or …
Quote from Iczz: “They should add a surrender button on a division or regiment. Let's suppose that you have 1 massive army and it's surrounded by multiple armies and you don't want your army to get destroyed so you just press surrender and it would surrender that division or regiment and it's province it's in. ” Wouldn't you just fight your way out or die trying. Since there is no supply mechanics having your troops cut off is not too bad of a disaster, especially if they are grouped together an…
The New Forum Gang
PostWhats this about? Rebellion Quasi? Didn't I lead the Forum Gang?
Quote from MartinB: “I think the only way to deal with gold is to accept it philosophically. I have had really annoying experiences, where you work hard to pull off some tactical surprise against someone, and lo and behold, he suddenly has three nuclear bombers appear out of thin air that proceed to blast your cities. So just grin and bear it, concede the game and move along. Just console yourself with the thought that these guys are financing the game that you and I are playing and enjoying for…
Bytro Labs Wiki
PostQuote from T-3PO: “here comes another fight... ” Lol dont worry, we go back years. Its just joking around. To be honest I try to keep it friendly and joking. Most of the time
Bytro Labs Wiki
PostJesus Quasi, not satisfied with making a page about yourself in the call of war wiki you now do it in other wikis
Quote from MartinB: “ I'm not sure you can call this a guide though, it is just a method I have come up with to deal with this morale issue on the big map, and I just wanted to put it up here to make the point that the morale system we have in this game is fine and not broken, and there are ways to deal with it. I'm sure others have more efficient systems figured out, and would be interested in hearing how they deal with this issue. ” Pretty much a guide on how to deal with morale issues, a lot …
Quote from MartinB: “Instead of throwing a tantrum and insulting players who record that they do not like your idea of a magic healing building, you should try to figure out how to adjust for the losses you take. ” Once again back to your only argument, is that the only point your 2 brain cells could put together. Im not asking for a magic healing building im asking for a way to reinforce divisions that have taken loses, as lets go to the realism here that divisions in combat where pulled back a…
I would like to also add on to this guide that you can move your capital to a more central location in your empire as distance from capital also effects morale. But you also have to note that it will cause a drop in morale in the provinces are further away from the capital after the move. More so your core territory where you gain a lot of resources from and a drop in morale could cause you to lose resource income.