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  • And MAfGA(tm) loves you, Mr. President!…850ba4ca4f798eb90289355c9

  • @General Sherman you may accuse people wildly as you do, but...YOU chose a 'racist' & genocidal maniac general's name as username. YOU might as well have chosen Adolf H. So, before you start spouting your rubbish again, go wash your mouth and when you are done with that, come back here and apologize for your incredibly obtuse behaviour. If you don't, a report must be filed about your username being an insult to all native-americans and about your continuous harrassment of other people on the for…

  • Happy Holidays - From Bytro

    vonlettowvorbeck - - News


    That is exactly the message to the kids As said, this is an educational thread... And the results are quite good. Look at their improvements: - Sometimes they are now almost able to put multiple words in context in a phrase. - Rarely, but it is happening, that they are able to read 2 or 3 phrases in a row, without panicking bc of 'the wall of text'. - On occasion they even manage to react appropriately. Imagine, their parents nor their teachers succeeded at that, but MAfGA(tm) did! Isn't that ju…

  • Quote from Bandersnatch: “He probably is ” And you are an anti-democratic forum terrorist! You should change your username to: Ahmed the Forum Terrorist!

  • Quote from General Sherman: “Quote from vonlettowvorbeck: “Quote from Bandersnatch: “Quote from vonlettowvorbeck: “Quote from Bandersnatch: “I hope so ” Reported for harrasment! ” ? ” I know you don't understand; everyone knows; except you ofc. The latter is a typical trait of people who suffer from the Dunning-Krüger syndrome. Until you realize that, you cannot be helped, really...All MAfGA(tm) does is stimulate your independent, critical thinking. Though not appreciated, MAfGA(tm) is helping y…

  • Happy Holidays - From Bytro

    vonlettowvorbeck - - News


    Quote from General Sherman: “@vonlettowvorbeck Go away ” Who are you to decide if that should be the case? Aren't you part of a gang of underaged, uneducated and rude kiddo's, each of which is in fact an undocumented illiegal forum immigrant according to the TOU?

  • The Open Bar Chatroom

    vonlettowvorbeck - - Off Topic


    Quote from General Sherman: “Quote from vonlettowvorbeck: “Quote from General Sherman: “Those lag my PC ” Who cares?It would be different if that were not yet again an egoistic remark, but it is pretty clear you care only about your immediate needs, isn't it? And don't be so angry! All I do is stimulate independent, critical thinking. Though not appreciated, I am helping you. So, I am thus a nice guy! All the opponents do, is being oversensitive and mean when they don't get what they want. So, i…

  • Quote from Bandersnatch: “Quote from vonlettowvorbeck: “Quote from King Romanov theIvan: “Honestly, considering that idk what the hell this shitty president BS drama is or does, I can see why no one replied to this poll, and I can see why it is mostly disapprove. Only shittier updates in here. ” Honestly, you missed that this poll was a Deep State fake?It was merely a subversive taffudging attempt of Elements of the ousted Forum Deep State to undermine the Reign of the Great President, Claudio N…

  • Quote from Bandersnatch: “Quote from vonlettowvorbeck: “The shocking thing about yet another woefully misspelled and utterly untrue comment by the Snatch, is that it proves kids really don't learn anything anymore, except Googeling... ” How ironic ” Do you know the meaning of the word 'ironic'? Maybe first google it? I mean 'neuroscientist' was already a difficult word for

  • Quote from Bandersnatch: “Quote from vonlettowvorbeck: “Quote from Bandersnatch: “I hope so ” Reported for harrasment! ” ? ” I know you don't understand; everyone knows; except you ofc. The latter is a typical trait of people who suffer from the Dunning-Krüger syndrome. Until you realize that, you cannot be helped, really... All MAfGA(tm) does is stimulate your independent, critical thinking. Though not appreciated, MAfGA(tm) is helping you. MAfGA(tm) is the nice guy! All opponents do, is being …

  • Quote from King Romanov theIvan: “Honestly, considering that idk what the hell this shitty president BS drama is or does, I can see why no one replied to this poll, and I can see why it is mostly disapprove. Only shittier updates in here. ” Honestly, you missed that this poll was a Deep State fake? It was merely a subversive taffudging attempt by Elements of the ousted Forum Deep State to undermine the Reign of the Great President, Claudio NKVD, and most say he is the Greatest President of the w…

  • Quote from Bandersnatch: “Quote from vonlettowvorbeck: “Quote from GeneralJames: “I am over 13 years old, thank you. ” Over 13...Did he just really admit he is still a baby? Does he know his brain isn't even fully developed yet? And no, Jamesy-boy, that is not an insult, but merely a physiological fact. And 13...then he isn't even allowed to register an account yet... ” Are you a nyuroscientist? If not then you cant say those things... ” Is it common in your culture to not teach stuff in school?…

  • Quote from King Romanov theIvan: “Quote from vonlettowvorbeck: “Quote from GeneralJames: “I am over 13 years old, thank you. ” Over 13...Did he just really admit he is still a baby? Does he know his brain isn't even fully developed yet? And no, Jamesy-boy, that is not an insult, but merely a physiological fact. And 13...then he isn't even allowed to register an account yet... ” And what evidence do you have that proves you aren't under 10? ” The MAfGA(tm) movement requires its members adhere to …

  • Just as a side note... What a lovely day it was again. No cold winter rain under the Reign of The Immaculate Leader, Claudio NKVD. The sun was out, birds were chirping. So different from the last months of last year, when the Darkness of the Forum Deep State still reigned. Thank you, Mr. President!

  • Quote from GeneralJames: “I am over 13 years old, thank you. ” Over 13... Did he just really admit he is still a baby? Does he know his brain isn't even fully developed yet? And no, Jamesy-boy, that is not an insult, but merely a physiological fact. And 13...then he isn't even allowed to register an account yet...

  • Quote from Fox-Company: “Quote from BladeFisher: “That's what I do, but doesnt work when you get over a certain size in the game ! ” It does but at that point its fighting to stop them from revolting then it is to keep them, you gotta change priorities late game, don't try to keep them, just try to make sure they stay yours, level 1 or level 2 Militia and AA do fine for this job if you have leftover from early game. Armored Cars work best for this overall. ” Occupation doesn't work anymore when …

  • Happy Holidays - From Bytro

    vonlettowvorbeck - - News


    MAfGA(tm) a rip-off? We have -> Caps,…850ba4ca4f798eb90289355c9 -> Flags…850ba4ca4f798eb90289355c9 and bumper stickers!…850ba4ca4f798eb90289355c9 MAfGA(tm) has very good merch. Some say it is the best merch in the world!

  • @GeneralJames you claim you started with COW when you were 11yrs old. How come then, that you are still 11? And though it is an entirely different subject: how can an 11 yr old run for a fantasy office position in fake-elections? Oh wait... that is possible of course, bc 11 yr olds don't live in reality yet. It is all a fantasy! The reality is: The opposition in the only true elections conceided to your Enlightend Leader's landslide victory with a majority of 66.67%! That is democracy. It could …

  • Quote from GeneralJames: “Literally everyone wants this except you ” Correction: during the elections, the majority voted for your President Claudio NKVD. A landslide victory with 66.67% majority! That means that you are one of the few that want it, but 'wanting it' is not the same as 'getting it'. NO! Really, it is not the same. Even though your lazy gen-Z ass was never taught that, that is the reality!

  • Quote from Bandersnatch: “Quote from AnonymeggABC1234: “Move it to 5 February ” Am I still your running mate? ” Bud, they dropped you like a stone, didn't they? You are no one's running mate; not even in elections that are not happening.... How sad is that?