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Quote from Cloudpop2: “In CoW 1.0, I see that a tank destroyer has nearly the exact same stats as anti-tank, but anti-tank is much what is the point of tank destroyer then? ” Besides the higher mobility of TDs.. >> AT's damage class is "Infantry" >> Tankdestroyer belongs to damage class "Armored" and, unlike "real" tanks, has no HP penalty in urban terrain
Quote from Undaunted: “I sent 2 group attack bombers including each of them 10 planes to destroy 7 mechanized ınfantries mechanized infantries level 2 and attack bombers level 2 mechanized infantries were in non-core provinces at the beginning mechanized infantries had %100 morale and 2 attack bomber group had %90 morale after fighting mechanized infantries %78 morale no lose units and attack bomber groups has %48 and %50 morale no lose units I cant understand mechanics of this game anti airs co…
Post. . . . Yeah -- everything..ja2.gif
Guess the Tank!
Restrisiko - - Off Topic
PostQuote from Nn gg: “Quote from Ellio_98: “Time for round 3! This is the hardest round so if you get it right you win! -Early 20th century tank (1900-1949) -Its a Tank (derp) -Image clues of tank in attachments!…dfe45391c781ca585422a277a ” I’m not sure if people guessed it yet or if its revealed cuz I’m not going to search all 15 pages... Pz. III A(or rather to be simpler pz3a ” Looks more like a Pz. V "Panther":…dfe45391c781ca585422a27…
Quote from BladeFisher: “What if it is a 1.5 game? ” Just look at the unit info or in the research tree or read above.. Quote from Nn gg: “Unless its a 1.5 game all rockets can destroy and ships that are not moving. Same for flying bombs. However, if the ship is a cruiser, a flying bomb will just explode without doing damage ” Little correction >> "If it's a 1.5 game all rockets can.."
Quote from BladeFisher: “Well I am glad that Nazi Germany agreed in the 1930's that due to the technical advantage of their developing airforce they would restrict the range of their new aircraft as it would be unfair on France and Britain if they took full advantage of their ferry range.... Litle known fact that one. ” Ay, I see, you get out the old realism cudgel.. smilie_verkl_109.gif ..but are you really sure you are playing the right game if you can't differentiate?
Quote from BladeFisher: “Agreed but technically its rubbish! Think about it.... We can live with it, but it is not correct. ” Right, a double range for a one way trip would be realistic, and has already been discussed many times before, but it would not match with other relations in the game and would make planes too superior on the map .. .. because then even planes on lowest level and already in the early game might reach / attack provinces / enemys for which they should'nt yet be able, based …
. . . . . . Hopefully the kindergartens will open again soon..
As after every update first the browser cache should be cleared to avoid errors due to outdated data .. .. if the error persists, write to the support directly from the map (gear and then bug button at the bottom right).
Quote from Mr Shepherds pie: “Okay, there are some things about nuclear bombers that I'm confused about. So, if a nuclear bomber attacks a unit that has some form of AA on it, will the unit get instantly destroyed? Also, can nuclear bombers attack planes and wipe out the planes, or will the nuclear bomber itself get wiped out? And lastly are there any tips for using nuclear bombers I should know about, because I'm playing one game where I created a bunch of them, and I want to nuke some stuff, s…
Quote from Marechal Saoul: “.. Global popularity is greatly reduced by actions such as invading an AI country without a previous declaration .. ” Starting wars without a previous declaration was removed: Quote from freezy: “Actions that improve your popularity with elite AI: - being enemy with their enemies - being friends (good diplomatic relations) with them and their friends - trading with them - getting war declared on you (added Nov 27th 2019) Actions that decrease your popularity with elit…
Quote from Nn gg: “Quote from Restrisiko: “Quote from Nn gg: “Quote from VorlonFCW: “The shared intelligence relation is a high command feature which allows any spy reports gathered to be copied to allies. So if any of your allies have given you shared intel, you are also getting reports from their spies. spies do not always give a report, Sometimes they simply take their pay and do nothing. ” then why do we assign them and they don’t do any thing? ” Espionage is a dangerous business - spies som…
Quote from Nn gg: “Quote from VorlonFCW: “The shared intelligence relation is a high command feature which allows any spy reports gathered to be copied to allies. So if any of your allies have given you shared intel, you are also getting reports from their spies. spies do not always give a report, Sometimes they simply take their pay and do nothing. ” then why do we assign them and they don’t do any thing? ” Espionage is a dangerous business - spies sometimes have to prepare for a long time and …
Quote from NoobNoobTrain: “If I have a cluster of 4-5 provinces and most of them are in the 40ies, they should all have the same penalties, right? Why does ONE of them end up in the 20ies and falling? If they are all neighbours, they should all have like 100-3-3 -3 -(distance). ” ..not always -- simple example:…dfe45391c781ca585422a277a Quote from NoobNoobTrain: “And the problem is, as I already wrote, that one bad apple can start a chain of declining morale. ” ..b…