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  • I stand corrected

  • New Operation

    Nostroma - - Bug Reports and Issues


    A new Operation it's gone.... WTF?

  • Flame Tanks

    Nostroma - - Questions and Answers


    If Bytro knows you hate them, they will put them back.

  • It's the new test tutorial maps.... They are titled "Game of War"

  • Release Notes - 2024-12-17

    Nostroma - - News


    Stay on the topic. This tutorial set up is completely messed up. No explanations on why things keep changing in the game. Why the boosters....then why the wallet icon disappears, losing all the boosters... Why spies work, then don't work... So stay on target and stop this other nonsense.

  • Release Notes - 2024-12-17

    Nostroma - - News


    Now what's going on? Game was down for a while...just got back on and the inventory wallet icon is gone. Did Bytro just cancel all booster cards?

  • Release Notes - 2024-12-17

    Nostroma - - News


    Quote from WilhelmSchultz: “@Nostroma Where can this feature be accessed? ” If you mean where to get the booster card bonanza,,, You have to join a tutorial map.....I joined mine by accident...had no idea what I was joining. Nothing on the game selection says if it is a tutorial map or not....just the game name Clash of Nations map....titled Call of War Game You'll know you have it if you see that you just started with 111 units

  • Release Notes - 2024-12-17

    Nostroma - - News


    Quote from vonlettowvorbeck: “Quote from Nostroma: “For the new tutorial setup in testing.... Joined one, though it says it is only for selected new members.... Not impressed at all. 111 starting units....100 of them inf. Reduced manpower accumulation... Very slow building process.... Upgrading all those inf take's upwards of 40-50k food. Don't see how this new tutorial set up will benefit new only gives them lots of units to fight with. Doesn't help them with teaching how to balanc…

  • Release Notes - 2024-12-17

    Nostroma - - News


    For the new tutorial setup in testing.... Joined one, though it says it is only for selected new members.... Not impressed at all. 111 starting units....100 of them inf. Reduced manpower accumulation... Very slow building process.... Upgrading all those inf take's upwards of 40-50k food. Don't see how this new tutorial set up will benefit new only gives them lots of units to fight with. Doesn't help them with teaching how to balance and improve your armies. This test gets a thumbs d…

  • Starting units.

    Nostroma - - Questions and Answers


    It is listed as a Call of War "tutorial" on it....Clash of Nations map.... Game 9577884...go look for yourself And there are a few more listed to play...none of them say it is tutorial.

  • Interesting starting with 111 units... But strongly suggest that the tutorial games are clearly marked in the game selection.

  • Starting units.

    Nostroma - - Questions and Answers


    Ok, found out it is probably one of the new tutorial maps... But really...there should be some notification in the game selection whether it is a tutorial map or not.

  • Starting units.

    Nostroma - - Questions and Answers


    Just started a new custom game.... Starting with 111 units!!! It's not a speed game. A CON map. Had a friend look up the game creation settings and nowhere does it say anything about increasing the number of starting units. Anyone know how this is possible?

  • Finally loaded the game...but severe lag in issuing orders....3 minutes now and still not executing my orders. Wake up Bytro

  • Lag spikes are more than common now in this game. Today is particularly bad...Error 2002 messages, game cannot be loaded.....Can't log into the game at all....Title page stays blank or "This page cannot be displayed" usually it's because there is a programmed maintenance...but that only lasts a few minutes. Today it's been more than 20 minutes

  • Rockets won't launch

    Nostroma - - Bug Reports and Issues


    I'm not a noob. yes there was a lvl 2 airfield in a city

  • Rockets won't launch

    Nostroma - - Bug Reports and Issues


    Just tried them for a 4th I'm being told I'm not allowed to command those troops

  • Rockets won't launch

    Nostroma - - Bug Reports and Issues


    Launched a big rocket attack on enemy stack. 8 rockets from 5 different bases. 3 of the rockets launch, travel a few minutes, then suddenly pop back up on the airstrip they were based at. Relaunched 3 more times....same result...moved them to a different base...same damn thing. WTH?

  • Quote from Undaunted: “Quote from Nostroma: “Concerning the new resource system I have to use an example from a game I just finished. There was a P2W player who was bragging on the news about how good he was, that he would crush us all. He's the only player I ever saw who was unbeaten. Only 10 games but 10 wins including 4 solos. It took 3 of us combined to fight him. A 5 day fight. We finally won but it cost us more than half of our combined troops. The resource system did not help at all. We w…

  • The solution is to deduct xp from their rank for each day of inactivity, and a multiplier of the accumulated loss at the end of the game if they are still inactive