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Quote from vonlettowvorbeck: “Quote from Fox-Company: “Quote from BladeFisher: “That's what I do, but doesnt work when you get over a certain size in the game ! ” It does but at that point its fighting to stop them from revolting then it is to keep them, you gotta change priorities late game, don't try to keep them, just try to make sure they stay yours, level 1 or level 2 Militia and AA do fine for this job if you have leftover from early game. Armored Cars work best for this overall. ” Occupat…
The Open Bar Chatroom
Fox-Company - - Off Topic
PostQuote from Ciro702: “Quote from Fox-Company: “Quote from Ciro702: “more than 400 pages worth of more lore. I gotta read. ” Oh my goodness, its Ciro, its been literal years since I've last seen you. ” Yeah, been a long time since I checked forums lol. Seems that there's a new Mafga movement, but still old faces :D. ” Old indeed, 4 whole years since i've joined CoW... almost to the day.
Quote from BladeFisher: “That's what I do, but doesnt work when you get over a certain size in the game ! ” It does but at that point its fighting to stop them from revolting then it is to keep them, you gotta change priorities late game, don't try to keep them, just try to make sure they stay yours, level 1 or level 2 Militia and AA do fine for this job if you have leftover from early game. Armored Cars work best for this overall.
The Open Bar Chatroom
Fox-Company - - Off Topic
PostQuote from Ciro702: “more than 400 pages worth of more lore. I gotta read. ” Oh my goodness, its Ciro, its been literal years since I've last seen you.
Quote from K.Rokossovski: “1) War bonds (aka mana) has been introduced, to protect coiners from being seen (everybody uses them now, so it is hard to tell for others if it was just generated or being payed for). The fact that it also meant introducing magic into the game (all kind of stuff can be done instantly: researches, unit builds, destroying buildings etc etc) for the non-paying users (the majority) was apparently not an argument for Bytro management to think twice. 2) Common resources hav…
Quote from OneNutSquirrel: “If there is a friendly Airfield in range of planes which launched from that carrier and are in flight or patrolling at the time the carrier is sunk, they will redirect to the nearest airfield (same as if they were on land). If there are no friendly airfields in range, the planes are destroyed immediately. On land, they would fly back to the Airfield they started from and turn into caravans, and begin combat with the unit/stack which captured the province, ” Unless tho…
The Open Bar Chatroom
Fox-Company - - Off Topic
PostIf the political talks continue, i'm summoning the mods.
The Open Bar Chatroom
Fox-Company - - Off Topic
PostWhat the goober.
You'll never beat us
Fox-Company - - Off Topic
PostI don't blame him.
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