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  • Haïti playthrough

    Tolol_aja - - General Discussions


    keep it up. (sorry oot but should I upload that failed round? lol)

  •…7aaebf524ddc7dbf98667edac The exchange was completed, and the treaty was taking effect. Eastern Alliance Agree to give their map to Brazil and let the Federation conquest the rest of the world to meet necessary VP to win.…7aaebf524ddc7dbf98667edac Center Forces, Greece.…7aaebf524ddc7dbf98667edac Maranhao Troops with a total of 100+ units land in Greece. Caribbean troops with a total of 130 units advancin…


  • World at War Playthrough

    Tolol_aja - - General Discussions


    thanks for your replies, guys. Question I ask was real decision making my team must make during the game, so I put it here to make this thread interactive. we were spying 4 nations and use 8 each, so the total upkeep was around 128k. that was very good analysis from each of you. Thank you very much. stay tune for next chapter lol, I almost complete this.

  • "Enemy vessels spotted crossing the red sea, copy" --Wingman "That was Persians, they evacuate their troops from Egypt" -- Pilot "Friendly airspace end in 9 minutes, we better turns back" -- Wingman Egypt, Post-Invasion. The Invasion is over but the war is not yet, Federation successfully driving back the Persians troops from Egypt, even though they unable to deal significant casualties. with the fall of Egypt now it's like domino effect, Enemy now began to gradually leave their position in Afri…

  • Quote from Carking the 6th: “Stalin: Штайнера counterattack will have us Rokossovsky: My comrade… Штайнер… Zhukov: Штайнер did not have enough forces. The attack never took place. Stalin: … I’m just gonna shoot myself instead of ranting. ” card reversed uno

  • Forum Memes

    Tolol_aja - - General Discussions


    it's actually 635 words excluding her signature

  • World at War Playthrough

    Tolol_aja - - General Discussions


    Quote from Carking the 6th: “Brings me back to that one WAW where I was at war with the Americas and we ended up nuking Venezuela like 15 times… good days. ” rule number 44 : when WaW reach days of Nuke then it's a hardcore WaW

  • no doubt, that's end for Africa.

  • so.. it's cleaning up time huh? btw, You posted your update the same time as me

  • World at War Playthrough

    Tolol_aja - - General Discussions


    Quote from Carking the 6th: “Ha! African front is won! This could be a turning point… which side has more production and resources? You posted your update the same time as me lol ” at that point, enemy still possess more territory, therefore, they still outnumbered us in terms resources production. oh really? coincidence? lemme check lol

  • African Front, Egypt. Center Forces. At dawn, the rumbling sound of thousands of artillery pieces was relentless, the explosion of its shells pushed the projectiles out, raining down on enemy positions. Everyone knows, the invasion is about to begin....…7aaebf524ddc7dbf98667edac before the Invasion, the furthest point Maranhao can reach is Buyazamah, most eastern cities of Libya. from there the advance was ground to a halt. Egyptian army was heavily armed with Tank…

  • World at War Playthrough

    Tolol_aja - - General Discussions


    Quote from Joe Bartolozzi: “carriers could have helped you but waiting for invasion of egypt. ” I usually go for carrier and abandon battleship, but in this game was exception lol. I shouldn't abandon my favorite unit in the first place just because later availability. Yeah, Egypt team up with the east, let's see how we roll them up, next chapter coming soon.

  • Arafura Sea, Pacific Front. Morning of Sorrow, Afternoon of Desperation. "Enemy Fleet sighted, unknown number, request for Naval Assistance" ----- 3rd armored car brigade.…7aaebf524ddc7dbf98667edac The troops had completed their landing, military equipment was brought ashore, supply depots were built, and the troops began their operations in the Papua Region. The Mighty Peruvian Fleet start their sailing west, report came from recon Aircraft that huge enemy fleet s…

  • Very insane man, he had his horse as senator (pure stupid, or he intended to mock roman senator idk) declare war to neptune and had his soldiers stabbing waters, kill people at his will Historic source during his reign was very unreliable tbh, it was very difficult to confirm this.

  • Quote from Kadeko: “Likes to get into my islands. ” bro's death is certain when he dare to face Kadeko

  • it's too far, I would like to keep this tame.

  • Quote from Kadeko: “I should've told about the bad news first... Algeria has captured Rome. Luckily for us! I've prepared for this by moving my capital to Munich before this happened. I'm so genius, I'm brilliant ” yes, indeed. very genius. how the heck yugo can sneak up and stole rome lol

  • in recent chapter we have serious conversation of 5 Major Generals and Admiral, they need to take decision in which very decisive in determining the fate of the Federation. War Progress completely stalled in every front, Caribbean bogged down in long war of attrition in Iberian Peninsula, Maranhao stretched too far from supply depot, Sao Paulo lack sufficient troops to continue the advance, Peruvian navy annihilated, and the troops stranded in Papua New Guinea.…7aa…

  • World at War Playthrough

    Tolol_aja - - General Discussions


    Quote from Carking the 6th: “I think British Colombia is Commie no? I’m sure you’d be able to take that. Would allow many ships. ” nope, BC is allies.