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Quote from S Schmidt: “Quote from General Freiheit: “This penalty is also very unrealistic, as irl most people dont care where their capital is. ” Actually it is very realistic as the farther from the capital you are the less control over those areas you have. Just ask the Romans, Incas, Persian and Chinese Empires. These Empires built roads for the reason that it made communication (as well as being able to project force to deal with breakaway regions) with the capital faster and therefore the …
Quote from z00mz00m: “Are we really going to compare an ancient, stone age empire like the Incas with a WW2 country capable of building aircraft carriers, strategic bombers, and (eventually) nuclear missiles? There are entire air forces moving around the map in mere hours, scouting and coordinating strikes on corps-size troop concentrations. These countries have difficulty administering far-off provinces? Come on... this is a very silly conversation. None of the morale penalties ever made sense …
Quote from 6thDragon: “Quote from General Freiheit: “The "Distance from Capital" penalty is a needless and harmful penalty. In HWW it hinders the nations USA, USSR, France, Italy, and UK. The penalty seems needless because of the already-oppressive expansion penalty. It is essentially the same penalty, just double dipping. ” I disagree about it being the same penalty, but will freely admit to having no experience with the HWW map. The expansion penalty applies to all provinces equally. While the…
I keep getting a notice saying "There was an error in Graphics, please reload." When I reload I get another message saying "General, it appears that your device or your browser is not supporting modern graphics technology, which is required to run the game. First, please try restarting your browser or device. If the problem persists, please update your browser or try switching to another browser. Please also make sure that your system and graphics drivers are up to date." I UPDATE MY PC EVERY DA…
Quote from VictoryFirst: “Quote from General Freiheit: “Yes, you have to have premium even for HWW AVA matches. But blitzkreig is 100% Free and can be done without premium account and gold. I have an alliance too, I'm the vice president, I can leave it TEMPORARILY to make the allied alliance and control it. Good to hear about discord, thank you! Also, thank you for putting me down as USSR. Although I don't like communism, I love Russia. If someone else wants the USSR though, I can give it up for…
Quote from VictoryFirst: “Quote from General Freiheit: “Good mornin'. I'm Lone Star General on call of war, but my forum username is General Freiheit. I'd like to join, although I can't do discord. I request to be the Motherland, [Russia/USSR]. I know a way we can do this on a Blitzkreig map WITHOUT premium. You can created an alliance with the Axis or allied players, and someone else create an alliacne for the allied players and do a AVA match ” Lone Star General - USSR, that's been noted! That…
Good mornin'. I'm Lone Star General on call of war, but my forum username is General Freiheit. I'd like to join, although I can't do discord. I request to be the Motherland, [Russia/USSR]. I know a way we can do this on a Blitzkreig map WITHOUT premium. You can created an alliance with the Axis or allied players, and someone else create an alliacne for the allied players and do a AVA match
I have an idea for a new unit, that seems balanced, the FLAMETHROWER. It would be an unarmored land unit, infantry research tree. It would ignore bunkers and fortifications. It would be first available, as Allied doctrine, on day 3 and requires infantry level 2 research. It would have a 1-2 day early research and a +15% health for allies, no advantages as axis or comintern, and a disadvantage of 1-2 day late research as Pan-Asian. Level one damage [Allied]: Unarmored - 10 attack, 5 defense. Ligh…