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PostThanks for the tip
PostDoes anybody know how I can change back my flag to the default one?
Quote from zecevi123: “I think creating resource imbalances between nations is a good thing. It makes nations different and makes the strategies different too. All the nations in COW feel the same and boring only doctorine matters. Before some nations used to dominate one resource but lack another resource now every nation is basically the same. ” I would keep it realistic though, eg. Caucasus has a lot of oil, ukraine has a lot of food, stuff like that
PostThis sounds a bit like HOI4
Quote from alpharunner: “This is true, the allies were far ahead of this technology compared to others. It might make the allies very overpowered if they have a larger view range than other doctrines. That is why I suggested the allied doctrine can research them 2 days earlier. ” I would remove the sight bonus for pan asian and add it to Allies (Given the fact that this is a building Pan- Asian sight bonus wouldn't necessarily have to apply)
I dont want to argue with you over which army is superior but theere simply wouldn't be a point of developing a doctrine for Italy if on a 100p map 3-4 nations would have this doctrine, doctrines that would make more sense are France or Britain as they had far larger colonies and so more nations could use these doctrines.
If this were to added to the game I would see it fit for the price to be doubled or 50% higher than that of an aircraft carrier.
PostWhat kind of complaint?
Quote from Supreme Allied Condista: “Hi I have noticed a number of players with names beginning with the word "user" then a 7 or 8 digit number and I am wondering who or what they are? Are they another kind of AI player? Are they Call of War staffers making up the numbers? Are they real humans who really can't think of a name? You can message them but they aren't very talkative by and large. ” These are simply players who haven't selected a username yet
Quote from 6thDragon: “Perhaps I could have described that better. I had other spies join me and they became my spies. I'm not sure that is counterintelligence. It could be another country had spies in my cities and I conquered them. Has anyone else had this happen? ” Oh that what you mean, yes that has happened to me although I think your spies capture them and then bring them over to your side.
Quote from jubjub bird: “Quote from AstonJamerson: “For the follow up question: yes, they will have to wait for the bb timer aswell cus they are on the same timer. ” OK this is what I thought, even though the cruisers technically didn't "fire" because they were out of range for the first volley. Thanks for confirming. Any guess to the first? ” No sry, im not sure about that one
Quote from 6thDragon: “What about capturing enemy spies? What are the circumstances where that happens? I had that happen to me recently. Love the trick about placing a few spies in an irrelevant providence to gain their troop locations! Works like a charm. From a realism perspective, I'm struggling to wrap my head around a way to rationalize it. But I love getting their troop locations reliably! ” The Counter Espionage is a mystery to me, sry.