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PostQuote from Banjo_: “Quote from You-Know-Who: “The exact points needed over the coalition to be ranked higher than it ” you need 2/3 of the points of the coalition ” I think Banjo- is right from my exp.
PostThe exact points needed over the coalition to be ranked higher than it
Quote from Talvisota: “Oh man, here goes....... If you remember @Zaktty's Clash of Nations play through thread from last year, you will have heard abput this one. Basically, I was playing as Libya, and I attempted to appease Romania (my AI popularity with them was shockingly low) by giving them RoW. Then, they literally moved all their units into my territory. I wasn't too comfortable with this, so I did literally the worst thing possible: I removed the RoW agreement. Found myself at war with Se…
PostHow can a player become ranked higher than a coalition? How much points over the coalition is needed? Thx for any help
Day 9 Diplomacy: Sweden went inactive and is being slaughtered by Canada and AI Finland. So only 3 players remain: NUS, Canada and me. Both of them love battleships and single units. NUS's kd, even though mostly fighting AIs, was kept below 1 before AIs started bumping into battleships.( 110 points) Canada has an 8 k/d though all gained through bombardment. I'm now 110, at 2nd place. The first is Germany with 120. Progress: Libya's capital changes to Ottawa. The war against Algeria has finally b…
They said rocket fighters because they’re faster, thus have a higher chance of shooting nukes down before it hits