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  • Release Notes - 2025-01-28

    Northernking11 - - News


    Again, I'm going to bring up speed rounds or lack thereof. What do we have to do, to get more speed rounds. Just another topic Bytro seems to have no interest in addressing. You guys are really very disappointing with your responses. You always seem to focus on petty little insignificant parts of discussions while avoiding any real issues. Maybe I shouldn't complain because I remember the days when we couldn't even get a response. But if you're not going to respond with an in depth reply that ad…

  • Release Notes - 2025-01-28

    Northernking11 - - News


    So, i'm just wondering where we are at with the whole war bonds limit fiasco? I've seen a few responses that the limit will be raised but no actual discussion from administration as to why they are limiting the bonds, what they hope to accomplish by doing it, or anyone asking what the community thinks about it. Seems like the overwhelming majority thinks it's a bad move but here we still are. And since i'm asking, why can't Bytro do anything about the multi accounting. It's never ending and when…

  • Release Notes - 2025-01-28

    Northernking11 - - News


    Quote from freezy: “Quote from Northernking11: “This game is just becoming one disappointment after another. I just can't even keep up with the stupidity. I have 30 units in transit i've set to upgrade an there is a 10 minute difference in upgrade time so I try to stop the movement so I can move them all in one stack after the upgrade and all resources and manpower are lost. This is just complete insanity. They have literally been upgrading for 10 seconds. And I just lost like two entire day's w…

  • Release Notes - 2025-01-28

    Northernking11 - - News


    This game is just becoming one disappointment after another. I just can't even keep up with the stupidity. I have 30 units in transit i've set to upgrade an there is a 10 minute difference in upgrade time so I try to stop the movement so I can move them all in one stack after the upgrade and all resources and manpower are lost. This is just complete insanity. They have literally been upgrading for 10 seconds. And I just lost like two entire day's worth of resources and manpower. I just can't eve…

  • Release Notes - 2025-01-28

    Northernking11 - - News


    So, I say we remove war bonds completely from the game! I actually think they are the best thing Bytro has done for the game in years. But now that you are going to limit them, you are catering to a specific style of play and that is not fair. So, either leave them as they are or get rid of them completely. 45,000 war bonds are basically useless unless you just want to build some stupid lvl one units. It basically negates all instant actions and you can forget about healing high lvl units. so, l…

  • Release Notes - 2025-01-28

    Northernking11 - - News


    So, I guess I want to start by saying thanks to FREEZY for the reply to my posts. Kind of nice to see a response from someone. But i'm still not happy with the bond cap. i guess I just feel that bonds and or gold are part of the game and every player should be able to use them when and where they want. I'm sorry if some other player spent all theirs on an invasion force to attack me and when they show up thinking they got it made in the shade, only to find out that I saved all my bonds to when s…

  • Release Notes - 2025-01-28

    Northernking11 - - News


    So, if I have a stack of 10 star lvl strategic bombers, it costs me 46,000 war bonds to heal them once. I guess this just isn't even an option?

  • Release Notes - 2025-01-28

    Northernking11 - - News


    This cap on war bonds is complete BS. you have all these players who just spam every unit they can afford the very second they can afford it. And they just keep throwing everything at the wall hoping it will stick. And most of them do it because they have no strategy and use no tactics. Their entire game is keep sending everything until they are out of units or the opponent has to eventually go to sleep at which point they get over run. So now the guy who fought with the army he had and was skil…


    Northernking11 - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Why is it so hard to get speed rounds for this freaking game. I personally only play speed rounds and there is an entire following of players on this site who only play speed rounds. Now, for some reason Administration seems to be doing away with some of the few speed round you have. I look forward to playing the ALL COUNTRIES IN event every time it comes around. It has always been a 4x speed round. So, I just started a round because it's the event for the week. Hooray! Finally! So, I get starte…

  • Instead of hospital, why don't you have a heal option for damaged units. Set it like paratroopers where they change from flying units to infantry. Have it set up so the amount of damage needed to be repaired determines the time needed to repair, and all they can do is defend if attacked while repairing?

  • Release Notes - 2024-08-20

    Northernking11 - - News


    What I would like to see is speed rounds for every map type in the game. I only play speed rounds because normal speed is just too boring. Why can't we have a 4x speed round or faster for every map. And have them open all the time. Not just once a month or when you guys feel like running them. You only have 4 scenarios that run at 4x or faster, and you guys didn't run 2 of them this month. You were probably too busy revamping war bonds to keep the noobs from crying. and just for the record! I ha…

  • Balancing changes - 2024-08-06

    Northernking11 - - News


    So, I've been playing COW for years and I've seen many changes. But I can't say that any of the changes have ever made the game better. I remember when different types of artillery had different ranges. Now we have the war bonds! These things weren't even used for a week, and they started changing them. I get the impression, Bytro is constantly bowing to the crying by inexperienced players. You need to quit rewarding players who don't know the first thing about COW. Why are you punishing experie…

  • Yeah, I don't care for that concept of the game. I prefer using the better units. Infantry is just slow. Totally ruined the game for me.

  • So I've been playing COW for a while now and needless to say, I am not a fan of the 1.5 version. This is the typical thing I get from the 1.5 version. I took over an urban province which had an air field in it. So, I sent my entire Air Force to this base because it was near the front and wanted to support my ground units. It was reachable by air from all the units I sent there. Once they arive the air field has vanished and my entire Air force is left in a tranport convoy. I had ground units in …

  • Hey, good for you! I'm six days into a 1.5 scenario and everything is coming to a screeching halt because I have no rare materials. Why am even wasting my time here? This game has turned into a JOKE!

  • The increase in rare materials per hour doesn't even begin to compensate for all the added cost of rare materials. It seem's like we need 10x the amount of rare materials to do upgrades and build units and upkeep for the units. But you have only increased the amount of rare materials we get by 1x. This is ruining the game not improving it. And we only get 1 province that produces rare materials, and even if we max out all the upgrades for that 1 province we don't even come close to producing the…

  • So I guess the change of having more rare materials like our other resources is ok in a way because you need them to build the different unit building upgrades. But Now we have to use them for evry air unit we build also. I used to feel I was always lacking in the much needed rare materials. Now version 1.5 has taken the lack of rare materials to a whole new level. The little extra we get per hour by no means makes up for the expenditure needed for building and unit upgrades. So I get an extra 1…

  • Artillery range

    Northernking11 - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Totally dislike the new artillery unit range set up in 1.5 version. All units regardless of trype or level have the same range. Not very realistic as far as im concerned. I think there should be some sort of progression. I personally would stick with the 1.0 version range progression if nothing else.