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  • I use Stat bombers and fighters almost exclusive...range means i can hide a stack of 100 somewhere and send out 10 units stacks to deal with any kind of stack...devastates inf and fortresses and any stack without AA

  • come check us out.... Avalon Hill

  • AValon Hill ...old school war gaming...fight with command structure


    Oscar_the_Grouch - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Have looked everywhere...except one place obviously...and cant find the rules or sign-up for players league---->never mind...found the thread but cant see what the rules are and how we sign up.


    Oscar_the_Grouch - - Suggestions / Criticism


    I look forward to the Players League! I have started a new alliance with other players that feel the same way about this game. It really would be good though to at least have an option during game setup that allows you to choose "Gold Report" that give you a report on gold usage for the round. Because I am finding like-minded people but sometimes its hard to believe that a player didn't use gold when you base base your assumption solely on what you see. For instance, I was accused of using gold …


    Oscar_the_Grouch - - Suggestions / Criticism


    I know you guys need to make money and I don't want to get in the way of that but gold can kill the game sometimes. I played the Avalon Hill games back in the 80's when you had to sit across the table from your opponent and accept the die roll. Strategy games meant you had to employ strategy to win. I am so hoping this will fill that old itch! In C.O.W. I build with that in mind and maneuver my forces the best I can but just the other day, this guy marches across France to reach the English chan…