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  • 'A superpower'? One, yes. But 3, no. That will just prove they are total noobs, nothing more. This subject is not about player quality. Quality is always important. But if everything came down to player quality, why even bother balancing maps? Not so. You know map balances matter. Hence my suggestion. There is no bigger abuse than joining to grab the 3 super powers. Things can only get better.

  • I suggest that the 'historical' maps come with either a fixed or an optional ban on super power coalitions. I just had a game where 3 'friends' joined up as USSR, Germany and USA and instantly joined into coalition. Each of these countries in the historical world map are already OPed to the extreme (at least USA and USSR) and this coalition killed any realistic chance that a throw-together opposition could stop them. Even if ppl would cooperate (which ofc was not the case) there is no way. e.g. …

  • Yes, I think that is what happened. He probably targeted my army. I must try it out. However, I think it is wrong that it does not have a cooling down time.

  • Quote from z00mz00m: “Quote from Ignatio Oddball: “Militia was just nerfed. Otherwise I'd say that is your short term counter. But if this is a game older than 2 days, you could still do it. ” This is thee worst answer possible. What if Venezuela is using upgraded infantry, which mop the floor with militia? What if they are using rocket arty, which beats all unarmored units? You have to understand what you're facing and adapt your response. ” Sounds more like you don't know how to use militia. T…

  • 8 Battle reports

    Ignatio Oddball - - Questions and Answers


    I can only see the last 8 battle reports - no matter how many new there are. Is this a bug? Or am I overlooking something?

  • This did not happen on an airfield, but at the line between two of my control points. It landed and started moving right away. No reorganisation symbol. I have to say it was a pretty smart move that allowed him to attack my otherwise screened artillery from the back. To me it seems that the 6 hr delay only kicks in if you attack a control point. Up to now I even thought that wasn't possible to attack a line, but I think it's unbalanced if that kind of drop down somehow allows the paras to move.

  • Militia was just nerfed. Otherwise I'd say that is your short term counter. But if this is a game older than 2 days, you could still do it.

  • No, that is unlikely to happen. A limit of 100.000 per day or even 1 million a day would do a difference though.

  • Quote from K.Rokossovski: “Quote from Ignatio Oddball: “Partially because there are fanboys who back them in the decision to allow insane spending. ” Around here? I don't no anybody who supports it. Afaik all forum users would like a P2P system better. ” Yes, here. I've been flamed more than once for suggesting limits to the gold usage.

  • Too bad they didn't also restore the original range on the lvl 2 RRG

  • I cannot make the search function work, sry. How is it possible to make paratroopers move right after touch down? I thought there was supposed to be a 6 hr. delay? Or maybe this was changed while I was on break from the game?

  • Gold is not a problem per se IMO. It's fair enough that Bytro wants a steady source of income. The problem is that there is no limit to the amount of gold you can use. This really wrecks games. In my experience it is 'only' about 1 in 4 games that get heavily destroyed by whales. When I encounter a whale, I usually just quit and save myself the time wasted combatting his wallet. Last time I did this, I observed a player using something like 1000$ in the end game. Even with 3 of us countering him…

  • Quote from freezy: “Quote from Ignatio Oddball: “I have never noticed buildings shooting back on a land unit or air units. Let alone ships. So why is there a defense rating against buildings? ” Its not really in use. Until we may implement some unit one day which has the building armor class (e.g. coastal gun? :P). ” Didn't think about coastal defense. I was thinking more like giving industry some inherent AA-value. So in effect a lvl 3 industry would fire back some more than a lvl 1. Not heavy …

  • AI still needs a lot of love to make it work. I don't know what is the ambition of Bytro on this, but the AI still isn't a challenge despite the various improvements made to it. (game is now over) New question on this topic: Has anyone tried DoWing every nation on day 1 AND survived or won?

  •…91608a9fe5f2a5269ce5853a1 Total war! So be it! America is barely visible, but is at war too. Not much happened so far, but the map might look differently after a nights sleep

  • Well, in that case I'd say a change is needed to the ratio of successful missions of captured spies. Counter agents are worth nothing if the spies they capture complete their mission anyway. This happens very often. I don't know the ratio, but my impression is that it is about 70%

  • I thought it would be a pretty obvious statement that if this mechanism was not to be limited, it would be possible to turn AI-controlled nations around anywhere in the world. Especially end game on the larger maps, there will be nations with virtually endless resources. If the foreign aid was to have any effect for the early to mid-game, the resource amount required would in return make the end game donation wildly over powered. There are even further possible effects. So if Bytro was to introd…

  • My current ERTW is petering out and rather than just turtling a solo-win against one AI at the time, I'm considering DoWing the entire map to have some challenge. There are 9 major nations and 13 minor nations left. All of them but one major nation is AI. Has anyone tried this? Is it any different than the usual fighting 2-3 AIs at a time?

  • I have never noticed buildings shooting back on a land unit or air units. Let alone ships. So why is there a defense rating against buildings?

  • Quote from SamPGS_17: “I disagree. It can make the game much more strategic - you can trick your opponent. Say that you know your enemy has a reveal all armies on you - don’t let them know you know. Instead, set a ‘false march’ just before daychange - that way, if your enemy thinks they’re safe from attack, you can trick them with this false march. You just tell all your armies to go in the opposite direction which they will go, then when your enemy gets the reveal all armies on you, you reset t…