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  • Quote from Jaws: “Nice to see my legacy survives here ” ;D *Necros*

  • Research Balancing Update

    CzarHellios - - News



  • Rankings are not exactly accurate. They don't account for the insane amount of multi-accounts that exist, inflation accounts, existing active players, etc.

  • Balancing Changes

    CzarHellios - - News


    I really have way to much free time. So I am going to sort of respond to everything I have read so far, post by post. I'm reading from backwards to front. - Someone said something about lots of players leaving because of overpowered tactical bombers. I really can't say this is true. I know a lot of older players that have been playing since the game was in Beta and have been paying HC/Gold to support the game are leaving en masse. A lot of little groups I used to be in are gone. With changes lik…

  • Quote from Little Racoon: “Quote from CzarHellios: “- Extensive Gold usage beats "Skill" in a game that is being made more random. Period. If a person with a good wallet has essentially infinite resources, infinite spies, and the ability to instantly spawn as many units as she or he likes - Strategy or tactics becomes pointless. ” Yes, but you must remember no one has a wallet with INFINITE money... Also, repeating my earlier suggestions, we could use skins that boosts the building/troop efficie…

  • - Gold rounds with special Gold round only units, super Elite AI, special maps that were Gold Round only - Rounds that required Gold to enter used to be a pretty big thing in SP1914. It was mostly dismantled over the years. That won't happen here. It has been denied. - Gold Caps will not be implemented by the Developers. When one player can spend a grande plus at minimum in one game, they would be limiting their revenue source. I used to see the reports, this is a actual thing. Gold Caps were de…

  • Howdy folks. My name is Czar. I've been around since 2007 on and off with playing Bytro Labs games, and I am a former member of the original support staff for this game. To go over some of the issues you have based upon my personal experience, - The original game wasn't exactly P2W. Bytro introduced such things over time, shut down official Bytro ran Non-GM competitive matches, etc etc. Quite a few people have already suggested alternatives in the past eight years plus. Directly to the Developer…

  • Balancing Changes

    CzarHellios - - News


    - AC are somewhat more useful and spammable early game, like in SP1914? - Anti-Air can be more easily spammed, making it so you can build more early game and with appropriate stacks, make air units less effective early game. - TD buffs. They were always used as more of a defensive unit when used. So this is something. - Some misc changes against subs. Okay. - Increased costs for Tacs. With decreased map resources? and increased infra resources. Oh boy, really nerfing early game Tac/LT strategies…

  • Balancing Changes

    CzarHellios - - News


    So. The overall goal isn't to make the best possible game, and naturally to have loyal gamers gather around a pretty good game for it's solid gameplay. Instead, the goal is to engineer the game along the lines of mobile games - Making a meh game that is okay, but trying to encourage people to spend as much money for a P2W thing instead of something actually competitive or interesting. But any actual gameplay changes, with earning money as the primary priority via P2W sorts of things, instead of …

  • Keep things as simple as possible. Break them down to the simplest components. Take what works, discard what does not. New terminology isn't necessary. Most of it was shorthand so it was easier for people to type on the go.

  • Farewell. -