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  • My account (Swag daddy 69) has been banned for no stated reason or email in the past month! Some people think that I used two accounts, that is not true, i can see how many may think it is though, my little brother (Hayden Lippert, I am Keenan Lippert) always wants to play games with me a lot, although he is not necessarily skillful my parents would force me anyway, I like not working with him because he rages when something goes wrong, thus why most games I play DON'T involve him. We don't need…

  • My account (Swag daddy 69) has been banned! Some people think that I used two accounts, that is not true, i can see how many may think it is though, my little brother (Hayden Lippert, I am Keenan Lippert) always wants to play games with me a lot, although he is not necessarily skillful my parents would force me anyway, I like not working with him because he rages when something goes wrong, thus why most games I play DON'T involve him. We don't need to communicate in game because we live together…