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  • How was this considered a "bug"? This feature was in the game for many many years. Why was this changed?

  • Did using a fighter to quickly patrol an area to reveal enemy units and provide an intelligence report for them change? Before, you could send the fighter to a patrol circle where it would provide intelligence reports for enemy units in its circle, then retreat the fighter before the 15 minute cycle initiates (which would cause damage). Now, do we really have to initiate that 15 minute patrol cycle, have our fighter be damaged or destroyed to acquire an intelligence report of the unit sighted? W…

  • Is this a change in mechanics? Because requiring your fighter to do an entire patrol cycle, which makes it vulnerable to being damaged and destroyed, wasn't always the case and would completely defeat the purpose of "quick" aerial recon

  • Game Number (If using support tab in footer of forum/main CoW site): 5555859 Bug Description: My fighter plane, when patrolled over an opposing country's troops, isn't producing intel reports that allow me to see those revealed units once the fighter stops patrolling. Did this game mechanic change or is this a bug?

  • Hey is it me or has anyone else noticed that carriers are no longer being considered in the pathfinding of planes flying to a location. I've tried with fighters & tactical bombers, and had a carrier in their range. When I tried sending planes to a location, they pathfind to a 7 hour travel time of land airfields instead of the 2 hour travel time of my carrier. I had to manually land and then "add target" my planes to get them to use the carrier. Are developers tracking this sudden change? This i…

  • Quote from Larry is god lol lol: “Quote from Andromeda: “Quote from dragonborne: “Is there a forum or general way to see the research trees of every other doctrine so that I can constantly compare and contrast units via their stats? ” This is probably what you're looking for:Doctrines - Call of War- Forum ” this. ” Sorry, but that isn't what I'm talking about

  • The doctrine page doesn't show every doctrine's full research tree and the stats of each of those doctrine units. That's what I'm looking for. I want to, for example, compare the stats of level 1 allied infantry vs axis level 1 infantry vs level 1 pan-asian infantry... etc

  • Sorry, but that is not what I'm looking for. I mean by their stats. I already have the doctrine page bookmarked lol

  • Is there a forum or general way to see the research trees of every other doctrine so that I can constantly compare and contrast units via their stats?

  • I ended up having the strategic bombers stacked with fighters all the way until the attack went through, I split the fighters and then just kept moving the patrol circle of the fighters as the strategic bombers flew home

  • Exactly the response I was looking for. Thank you

  • I appreciate the input. Hopefully someone else also has more insight and possibly further explanation for my original question

  • Yes there is, what if I don't want my fighters to be a part of the attack, which would cause a refueling period? I'm just looking for answers

  • Hello all, I was wondering if it's best to patrol with strategic bombers or utilize the attack function with the goal of destroying buildings? Does patrolling strategic bombers over a province hurt the buildings at all? Also, is it better to have your fighters stacked with the strategic bombers or patrolling around the bombers whenever they are attacked? Ps. Yes, I could/would micromanage the whole thing

  • Quote from freezy: “Also late reply, but to clarify: When planes are upgrading they are still in their airplane armor class. Also all upgrading armies automatically defend against attacker using their defensive stats. That means if you attack an aircraft carrier that has upgrading naval bombers on it, those naval bombers will defend with their regular naval bomber defensive stats. No attack command required for that. If you knew about this and the actual problem is something else than this, let …

  • I didn't use the attack function for my planes, in this scenario

  • So sometimes I put the patrol circle of my planes right at the edge of their range so that I can attack something that is outside its range but nearly everytime i do that, those planes, when they reach the area to patrol, immediately turn back to the airfield they're operating from and go into a refueling phase. So my question is: is this by design? Is this a feature of 1.5?

  • @freezy Quote from freezy: “@dragonborne So our QA tried to reproduce this issue and was not able to do so. Aircraft which are upgrading on carriers are not able to fulfill any commands and cannot fly around while upgrading. So can you perhaps list clear reproduction steps or maybe also show screenshot/video/gif of the issue? That would be nice! Thanks. ” Sorry for the insanely late reply. But I never stated that the upgrading aircraft in question were flying. Here's how to recreate per my situa…

  • Does every city captured give the capturer resources from the reserves of whomever lost that city? If so, how much? Is it really always 50%, even for non core cities?

  • I had a battle with a player that had 8 aircraft carriers and a whole bunch of escort units. I had 20 submarines, in stacks of 10 each with move orders through the target and in opposite directions so they would have separate attack cycles. Right before my submarines attacked this carrier group: my enemy set all of the aircraft on those carriers (15 naval bombers and 10 fighters) to upgrade, a 2+ hour process when we started it. Fast forward to the battle: my enemy started splitting his forces a…