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    Eurofighter3 - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Nice, keep doing what you do. It's great.


    Eurofighter3 - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Hey, thanks for the Link. I love your Viedos. I've just leave an abbo and I didn't kow for example that capturing an enemys capital increase my own moral. But I didn't find something about trading with provinces and I looked about 10 Viedeos and searched also in the video descriptions.


    Eurofighter3 - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Hi, I have a question to this discussion: How many provinces can I trade per day?

  • Hallo, hier nur ein kurzer Post für einen Report:

  • I would like to come back to the first discussion: Quote from papadopoulos-colonel: “destroyers should be able to detect submarines subs they are super over powered till someone makes naval bombers while making destroyers would balance it early on” In WWII Sonar had a range of 1500 meters. If you had located an enemy, you first had go too above them by ship because destroyers tryed to killed submarines with depth charges. Theese bombs were thrown from the back of the ship, so the destroyer first…

  • If you want to have peace with a KI you have not a lot of possibilities. The only thing you can do, is to change your status in this country to peace. And then you have to hope, that this country respond with the same. If you had have war with that country before, you will get most armistice faster. I think it´s because it is a a bigger step from war too peace as too war too armistice.

  • I agree. That's Cristmas in game!

  • Maybe we schould make the game management a suggestion.

  • Oh yes, I agree, that´s a good aspekt.

  • So the question also too you, WayneBo: Why you needing "scales, grid coordinates or Lat/Long"? I still did´nt understand for what you are needing this, if you have the time for arrival?

  • You are right. I´ve forgotten the distance. But why you are needing the distance? What do you want to do with this information? Do you want to make shure the game is calculate correctly? If you just have the distance information, you would don´t know, which time the units need for crossing. So you actually need the speed and the time. And yes, in conclusion all units in the merger are moved with the speed of the slowes unit. But if you splitt them you have diffrently fast units on the same road,…

  • Yes, I agree! There is missing a page, wich shows us detaild information about units, buildings and provinces. I actually told the Support this problem, but have the time for doing this all is not easy. We should recognize that the support actually has a lot of questions and problems he has take to care of and that he needs a lot of time to make such a page especially then, if he have to fix oher bugs and Problems.

  • Hello Ozzone, I think the problem is that the map would be confusing, if you add to all lines / roads. By the way that would be impossible, because all units are different almost. A light tank is faster than a normal infantry, so you can not give one specifikation one line/way. This time is based on the speed of the unit, the unit level, the nature of the province and the existing infrastructure in the province. So I don't understand why the time your unit in this case needs to cross the road is…