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  • Well of course it depends on the situation. Once you grow big enough you can surely aim for a solo victory. What does your current daily resource production look like?

  • The armored cars are for defense as well as running behind enemy lines. Light tanks to take down enemy light armor and infantry when you are use attacking. Yes, these two will be slow in the mountains. But they will come in handy later once you take more land and break out of your mountainous regions(for example, if you attack China or India later.) Use a lot of normal artillery as they get a big bonus in mountains and with the speed bonus you can attack enemy artillery in the middle of a battle…

  • I will assume that you have an understanding of the basic game mechanics and how to play Pan-Asian doctrine. so the first thing you want to do is to make sure to research the necessary land units. No navy obviously because you are landlocked. If you plan on turtling/defending in the beginning, focus on infantry and armored cars. Train lots of artillery too as they are better in the mountain terrain. If you plan to attack later use more light tanks. Make some fighters to defend your airspace agai…

  • Healing camps

    TheGreatSage - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Healing/hospital threads +1. How many have there been??

  • Something

    TheGreatSage - - Off Topic


    Is this your first time changing your username? If so you can go to settings->account settings, and change your username that way. If you've already changed it once I believe you have to request to change it.

  • bank accounts

    TheGreatSage - - Suggestions / Criticism


    I feel like this is just kind of overpowered. Like economical sabotage and looting of resources exists for a reason. Your idea would also make countries that have colonies in the 30p(such as the UK, France, Italy, and the Nederlands) even more powerful than they already are because if their core provinces are conquered they lose fewer resources.

  • What happened to the old feature where you could jump to any day in the newspaper by typing the number? It would be a nice addition, especially for longer games and/or roleplay games.

  • I remember that some time in the past military sabotage(both golded attacks and spies at day change) would be shown in the news. It would say something like "Building damaged in x province: x building. Sabotage cannot be ruled out." Don't know when they took that feature out.

  • Quote from CoolBreeze_: “Quote from K.Rokossovski: “Quote from CoolBreeze_: “Me, personally, I try to choose Axis every time. I like the faster moving, more powerful units at the expense of longer research times and higher unit costs. I'll make up for all of that with the land I take quickly! ” Why do you think Axis moves faster? Or has longer research times? ” Dang, I look like such a noob. Plus I forgot Pan-Asian. Wow. Welp...idk maybe the OLD CoW had it like I said, right? ” The old Call of W…

  • There is a trick many players use on Ais or inactive players. First, you offer and get ROW, then put your army in their land, and then attack instantly, conquering multiple provinces.

  • New Feature: Scenario Rotation

    TheGreatSage - - News


    have there been other examples of free high command?

  • then in the news when a player joins the territory automatically returns

  • happens all the time, very strange