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  • Forum Account

    rimbaude - - Bug Reports and Issues


    Quote from hakijaa: “Quote from BMfox: “players can't delete a forum account. ” Answer ” "Okay, thanks, but if I can't delete my account, could you please do it?" That's the question that I asked a couple of posts above. By "you" I mean mods/GOs/etc.

  • Forum Account

    rimbaude - - Bug Reports and Issues


    Is my question being ignored or something?

  • Forum Account

    rimbaude - - Bug Reports and Issues


    Quote from BMfox: “As far as I'm aware players can't delete a forum account. ” Okay, thanks, but if I can't delete my account, could you please do it?

  • Forum Account

    rimbaude - - Bug Reports and Issues


    Hello, Is there any way I can delete my forum account? If I can't do it by myself, can it be done by a mod/GO/another member of the staff? If so, delete it please, then. Thanks!

  • Quote from Restrisiko: “Quote from rimbaude: “I may be wrong but Egypt, as I see, has 4 metal provinces. ” 4 on the 22-tutorial map, 1 on the 22-normal map ” Oh, alright... I knew there was something wrong with these tutorial maps...

  • Quote from atreas1: “Quote from rimbaude: “Quote from BMfox: “So put extra troops in Nurember, take Prague and ally with France and it's over. I i played twice and won twice with both Germany and France so it can be done. They have a strong economy, a lot of attacking options, not landlocked and endless diplomatic options. Poland is not the best choize, squised in between Russia, Ukraine, Romania and Germany. ” What about Egypt? Isn't it a good country to start as? There's only one playable coun…

  • Quote from BMfox: “So put extra troops in Nurember, take Prague and ally with France and it's over. I i played twice and won twice with both Germany and France so it can be done. They have a strong economy, a lot of attacking options, not landlocked and endless diplomatic options. Poland is not the best choize, squised in between Russia, Ukraine, Romania and Germany. ” What about Egypt? Isn't it a good country to start as? There's only one playable country that borders with it and you can easily…