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  • Release Notes - 2021-04-13

    fillthenofill - - News


    Why are you guys getting rid of the classic mode, please bring them back we should still have that option

  • Quote from Red_1833: “They have certain maps where you can play the old version lol. and why would you have three accounts when you can play multiple games on one account? That would be such a waste of money lol. ” lol i meant i was paying for 3 accounts, my friends use 2

  • Lol my whole server saying the update sucks, isn't that enough: East Yakutia - Official government communiqué, 15:48 small_166.png png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAEAAAABCAYAAAAfFcSJAAAADUlEQVQYV2PQiFrwHwAD8gIivgEbRgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== New troop visuals zoom out Kentucky - Official government communiqué, 15:10 small_50.png What did the update even add Texas - Official government communiqué, 12:43 small_52.png Its garbage South USA - Official government communiqué, 12:36 small_49.png I dont Ea…

  • Quote from kittkarrkitt: “Quote from fillthenofill: “Us call of war players are the only thing keeping your company alive ” You know that you cannot speak for all the CoW players right? I bet a lot of people like this update, and I personally already got used to it, and it works fine (exept my concerns in my previous reply). And its fine that you dont like it, just dont think your opinion is the only one.Quote from fillthenofill: “I have 3 separate accounts all with high command and if you guys …

  • Quote from freezy: “I can assure you that the feedback has not fallen on deaf ears as we are currently making adjustments to the labels based on that feedback, and will release those in the upcoming releases (=upcoming weeks). But we can't incorporate all the feedback and have to be selective, as sometimes it also contradicts each other. It also has to stay within certain bounds, for example removing the labels again is not an option. But within those bounds I am sure we can improve the labels f…

  • Quote from freezy: “Hey guys, as mentioned in my earlier post (please read it, >link<) we are currently collecting your feedback, bugs and ideas for improving the army labels. We have no intention of removing the feature again, as we really believe that it is good for the game. It simplifies and streamlines the overview while also introducing new helpful functionality. But we agree that there is still room for improvement and that's why we want to keep improving it with your help. For example on…