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  • Quote from eruth: “A: The whole point of the 25 player map is that every starts out at different strengths, but they can pose threats to even the largest nations if they make their moves at the right time. B: You cannot see the global popularity of other nations. The 'my popularity' number you see in other nation's info tab is YOUR OWN popularity with them, not their global average popularity. The popularity number you see on your own info tab is your average popularity with all other nations. C…

  • Thanks you for all info => Vorlon first ! I missjudjed what happaned - i appologise to all ! I play seldom this game ... i tried to find by myself what was wrong and could it not find it ... Game changed drastically since last time i played . Popularity has a MAJOR impact on the way game acts / reacts . Sugestion : place in newspaper that info with each countries or top 10 or top 30 countries => on top right corner with Index of nations ( VP ) / Index of coalitions ... That way to be pointed out…

  • gameID=3090906 Manchukuo here of the weakeast nations on this map ... NPC wars on me : Day 25 NPC IRELAND ... Day 78 NPC FRANCE ... Day 96 NPC AUSTRALIA Day 112 NPC British India ... Day 118 NPC British Egypt ... Enemy Soviet Union attacked my ally Turkey .... enemy Soviet Union wipped out ... Romania plotted to backstabb me and Turkey .. Romania was allied with Turkey ... Romania engaged .. Romania wipped out ... unfortunatelly my ally Turkey went inactive .. he did dot believed we could…

  • Notes about players

    Rois - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Hi ! I play rather rare this game and i think it could be usefull to have some sort of notepad . Lets say i played with a good / team player guy => to add his name on my notepad with some description .. Or i met a backstabber => to add him on my '' bad '' notepad . Right now i play a game and one guy i am allied basically refuses to help any of our guys in any way ... he refuses all .. instead he '' explore '' the map ... To be honest i never ever again i would like to be in same team with him .…

  • Departure from convention!

    Rois - - News


    Yep : 1 => Azove Sea ( north Black Sea ) 2 => Papua New Guinea . 3 => Dardanele straight area .

  • For the first time i started to play on a 100 player map . At some point sended my planes for a several hours trip across my lands / my allies lands .. some hours later when i camed back to game i started to look for my planes - i could it not find them ! I looked over and over again on my path of planes ... until i decided to look far in the north on my possible planes path .. and surprise - i finded them ! It was some sort of lagg when i sended my planes so i did not checked what exactelly way…

  • Brutal game mode

    Rois - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Yep Maximilien => i am already '' working '' on that ... from mathematically point of view that could ( still ) be possible ... Maximilien - in my game it was a huge ( HUGE !!! ) alliance we fighted against and i am still surprised that we defeated them ! I have ZERO intentions to backstabb ANY of my allies just to '' make the points '' ! From more then a week i stopped my attacks just to help one of my allies to '' make the points '' ... But soon my troops will reach that last enemy XXX guy ...…

  • Brutal game mode

    Rois - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Hmmm ... on my curent map : 1 373 231 ( huge world map with 100 players ) were from start one huge alliance XXX with '' 20 + countries '' as they posted .. and the rest of the world ... from day 3 i was surprised to find out near me and fight first one from that huge alliance .... against the odds '' rest of the world '' managed to get and keep some sort of ANTI XXX alliance .. and that huge alliance is basically defeated / AFK now ... Now we are 5 actives : 3 from ANTI - XXX alliance , last act…

  • This game is interesting , it actually adds more depth to the gamne then Supremacy 1914 . In the few games i played so far here indeed some players seems to leave the game way before actually doing something ... About Call of war i have one '' detail '' from my point of view : nukes ! I perceive them as DESTROYERS OF LIFE ! I do not like that ideea to be in a game ... I will not use them. So far games of '' warfare '' were supose to be some sort of chess games ... for me atleast ... some duels w…