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  • Not really. Being able to crash morale in a target is powerful.

  • C00L Mus1c

    DxC - - Off Topic


  • C00L Mus1c

    DxC - - Off Topic


  • Aww, you guys are kind.


  • The amphibious tank should be in the calc now.

  • Quote from 6thDragon: “I believe they are like the flame tanks with all doctrines having the same stats. ” Yes, but as you may remember there was an issue with Panasian flame tanks. More info is better.

  • @Carking the 6th, you're a champ! Thanks for your proactive efforts. I will try to get these in soon. For reference, what doctrine?

  • Moral effects on spies.

    DxC - - Questions and Answers


    Quote from Meowy Mittens: “Long story short, I placed 211 intelligence spies, 10 economic and 10 military spies (for testing if they were actually be caught or if something else was up) in a province with 45 counter spies. This confirms I am in fact insane and/or incredibly lucky. ” Is it possible that you missed some of the spies being caught in the initial tests? In anycase, this is pretty interesting. If I'm reading this right you had a total of 231 spies and 230 where caught. Since there wer…

  • Moral effects on spies.

    DxC - - Questions and Answers


    Quote from Meowy Mittens: “provinces in pairs of 2 (because I'm lazy, I get this isn't ideal). Both settings were tested in the exact same density and both were done using pairs. ” Can you explain the tests a bit more? By pairs of 2 do you mean you put 2 spies in each province? Quote from Meowy Mittens: “Test 1: 6/10 for low, 5/10 for high. ” Does this mean you had 10 pairs of spies in 10 low provinces and 10 pairs in high provinces, so 40 spies total? What do Test 1, 2, 3, ... refer to? Do thes…

  • Favorite 80s Band?

    DxC - - Questions and Answers


    Mine was probably The Cars as a teenager in the 80s, but there are probably others that I would prefer now.

  • Produced unit level

    DxC - - Questions and Answers


    Is the resulting level of a unit in production, the level of research 1) when production was started or 2) when production finishes?

  • Dead map to join

    DxC - - General Discussions


    Anyone on a dead map I could join. I just want to grab the new RRG stats.

  • Is SP Artillery OP?

    DxC - - Questions and Answers


    Quote from Taffyta Muttonfudge: “Is SP Artillery OP?” Yes, as is all ranged units.

  • "Simulate Variance" in dxcalc

    DxC - - General Discussions


    Quote from DxC: “2. At what points are new random values generated? I think how I am currently doing this seems reasonable but there are very many possible alternatives/permutations. For example, instead multiplying all the damage classes by the same random value one could generate a new random value for each damage class in each stack. This could be broken down even further so that you select a random value for each damage class of each unit in each stack, etc. It would be nice to know exactly …

  • Unconquerable province

    DxC - - General Discussions


    Quote from K.Rokossovski: “I have moved several units through Nanking province now (from SW to SE), and they won't take the land ” Did you try to direct attack the province?

  • Quote from Carking the 6th: “It unlocks on day 13 ” So what day are level 1 and 2 available?

  • Quote from WednesdayAddams: “i meant that it could kill like 15 inf or something ” That's actually right. Level 3 flame tank can kill 15 level 1 inf under the above conditions. But 16 inf win. Medium tank level 3 under same conditions can kill 5, and that with the MT getting a 50% damage boost from plains. Quote from Carking the 6th: “Die when a medium tank attacks it? ” Flame lvl 3 vs MT lvl 3 in hills, both allies. Both attacking. Flame tank wins. It also wins vs a lvl 4 MT.

  • Quote from _Pyth0n_: “If people are too lazy to check, I ran the numbers: 3 Inf will die to the FT in 4 hrs (not counting variance) 4 Inf will kill the FT in 5.5 hrs 5 Inf will kill the FT in 3.5 hrs The 4 stack would lose 79.4% of their HP The 5 stack would lose 44.5% ” There was a bug in the troops stats for most units. For allies both sides and plains both sides, it would take 7 lvl 1 infantry to defeat an attacking lvl 1 flame tank. The flame tank wins vs 6. Seven infantry…

  • flame tank stats for dxcalc

    DxC - - General Discussions


    Level 3 flame tanks were added to the calc. Thanks carking. Note that an extremely serious bug was also fixed. All unit stats were wrong for units having different attack and defense values. This bug was probably introduced around or after mid August 2023.