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  • Global Warming?

    IISpikeII - - Off Topic


    Quote from FilipALFA: “Quote from Pablo22510: “Quote from FilipALFA: “Quote from Pablo22510: “Quote from FilipALFA: “It does change a lot, as it heats up the planet, as the sun's rays get reflected back to the Earth and cannot leave it. you can't argue about that, as any country's best and worst scientists will say that it does this. ” Prove that what they say is true. ” You are turning into Mr Walker about the conspiracies. I am not talking about 1 country, all of them say so. ” This is the onl…

  • General political census

    IISpikeII - - Off Topic


    Quote from GreatbigHippo: “I have. It doesn't give enough options to accurately simulate my ideal nation, but it comes close. ” Ah I see. You should suggest it to them so you can have your dream "distopia" or whatever.

  • General political census

    IISpikeII - - Off Topic


    You guys should check out a country simulator called Nation States. It'll simulate all your ideas and put it into action. If you haven't tried it yet, especially the commies like @GreatbigHippo *ahem* then I highly suggest you give it a go. Compare your system to @oceanhawk's system.

  • Global Warming?

    IISpikeII - - Off Topic


    Global warming itself is true, but perhaps the human factors are somewhat of a hoax. There's just too much conspiracy and skepticism going around that it's hard to tell what's even true and what isn't. Government agencies lie all the time, (including NASA, CIA, NSA, etc.), and others. At this point, best kind of research is done by independent scientists, universities, etc. If they can prove most of it was man-made, then the debate is over.

  • Tech Captures

    IISpikeII - - Suggestions / Criticism


    I like the ideas being generated here. If we were to cut time in half, however, it should be based on a percentage. Perhaps a 25% reduction in research time? Then if you capture another capital of a different country then it would cut the remaining portion by 25% again (to simulate the tougher ending stages of research). This would continue until you essentially capture enough countries who have the technology researched already, in order to get a leg up in the game, and actually have a fighting…

  • General political census

    IISpikeII - - Off Topic


    Quote from Pablo22510: “Quote from IISpikeII: “Quote from Pablo22510: “They're the only good people left with balls on this planet. ” Sadly those balls are being stripped away by the politicians who like to be "politically correct" and hold back some of America's greatest ambitions for the sake of money and for the good of the few or in this case, their good ole rich friends.Hopefully someone like Trump will work to erase the influence of money in politics. It's the primary root of incompetence …

  • General political census

    IISpikeII - - Off Topic


    Quote from Pablo22510: “They're the only good people left with balls on this planet. ” Sadly those balls are being stripped away by the politicians who like to be "politically correct" and hold back some of America's greatest ambitions for the sake of money and for the good of the few or in this case, their good ole rich friends. Hopefully someone like Trump will work to erase the influence of money in politics. It's the primary root of incompetence in the current political structure.

  • Quote from wildL SPQR: “I support the idea of radar stations and buoys. (must be limited, so that you have to have land within 100-200km or something like that) ” I like your suggestion of particular limits. It'd be crazy to have buoys over in enemy waters, lol. However, I think buoys should operate from coastal naval stations (or coast guard stations) so that once you capture a station, all buoys within range are now yours. It'd simulate the strategic effects of capturing and securing enemy int…

  • I'm Leaving CoW For Now

    IISpikeII - - Off Topic


    Sorry to see you leave man. Didn't know you that much but we'll miss you!

  • I don't recall this being suggested in the past, so I shall suggest it to you all today. This game, being based largely off of WWII, failed to include a vital part to the war effort in the Allies and Axis powers; offshore oil platforms, which added to the expansive and booming oil industry that had begun before the war. For reference, you can see the history behind offshore oil platforms here. Offshore oil platforms would be constructed using a new unit called a "barge" or construction ship. The…

  • Quick Adverts Question

    IISpikeII - - Questions and Answers


    I've seen this problem occur to other people as well. I haven't had the issue myself but it's definitely a new thing. Perhaps it's a bug.

  • Count me in! Game name: GeneralSpikeII Country: North USA Team: 1

  • General political census

    IISpikeII - - Off Topic


    Quote from GreatbigHippo: “Quote from oceanhawk: “@Quasi-duck watch them videos as well... I will watch some of that rubbish commie crap as well.. post a link ” ” After watching this video, I was not only disturbed by the guy's facial expressions, but also by his general and broad statements about capitalism when trying to claim that what we know about capitalism is wrong. Argument invalid. And here is Mr. Commie Creep...…4851d0dd99b…

  • Quote from StrangeTalent: “We use Discord and have everything in different channels, but it can still get overwhelming. Bsc9EVK.png ” I second this, as I've had to mute almost all those channels except for the ones I'm in. Even then it gets overwhelming and confusing. If new users wanted to play multiple games, this would help them immensely if they could give local nicknames (only they can see it) to their games. In addition: Having a label that shows what country you're playing as under each g…

  • Quote from Quasi-duck: “Quote from Pablo22510: “Not much in Europe though. Maybe the Volga, but that's it. ” Ehm, what about the canals in Normandy? Maybe the Rhine? Plenty of river combat in WWII. The Dniepr maybe? ” Let us not forget the Thames river that goes up to London.

  • Coalitions in map

    IISpikeII - - Suggestions / Criticism


    In addition, I think it'd be nice to have a double-outline with the coalition color and country color (can be selected by coalition leader) and add that to the existing border outline that colors your country. The color palette would have variety in shades so that different coalitions have different colors to choose from, without limiting choice and causing confusion.

  • I think desert terrain needs to be added, along with winter or arctic terrain. Up far north in places like Canada and Russia, the winter terrain is almost year-round and plays a vital role when considering transporting tanks, troops, trucks, etc. across it. Desert terrain also has different effects that still have the same magnitude as that of the winter terrain. I believe these two terrains should be implemented into the game as there are plenty of places in all maps that could use more terrain…

  • A suggested design would be this: World Game 2 GameID

  • Quote from down23: “2.) Allow the leader to assign co-leader or even transferring his real leadership (might come in handy if he's dead perhaps and leaves the game. (Assuming that this would have a lasting effect on Coalitions in the first place). Co-leaders will have every right of a coalition leader with the exception of dissolving a Coalition. Makes of course only sense for larger alliances or coalitions. Otherwise it's ok if everyone else is a simple member by definition I suppose. ” I think…

  • Quote from purplepizza117: “Quote from Sir McSquiggles: “Quote from purplepizza117: “Well, I'm not in charge of the pizzas... It's the Global Institution for Purple Pizzas, or GIPP. Usually people are gypped, though, with their pizza qualities, so the name is quite fitting! ” So you work for them! Seize him! ” I'm innocent... Here! Take Julia! Anyone but me! Take Julia! Take her, not me! ” Ok this is getting off topic.