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  • Like anything else, one's mileage may vary. Whats the point of that stack, surface bombardment? Sure, you'll paste any one or two or 5 islands but you have to get up close to do it...and each island takes time. If all you have are surface ships, someone with several Carrier "task Forces" (think 2-3 CV's, 3 CA's, 6 Destroyers with CV/CA at level 4and destroyers at level 5) I'm going to be duck and dodging your stack all game long. Enough so that I can pick up any island that might get conquered a…

  • The question remains then, what is being done about it? Personally I like using names for Capital Ships (BB's and CV's) and it was fun with the railroad guns. If they are not going to display, take out the functionality. I vote keep it, and fix the issues with names not being displayed.

  • Currently, when logging into game 2861380 it is either a black screen instead of a map in Edge browser, in Firefox it's the login screen as a background. All dropdown menus work. If you click on a point on your screen it will accurately reflect (indicate via popup) the province name and any information, but you cannot actually see the map itself.

  • @MontanaBB, It's been my experieence that in the larger maps (especially in the Pacific) BB's can be a part of a useful mix. I tend to maximize resource production early and often, and typically will not be sitting on mroe than about 50K or so of cash, especially in the early rounds. CV's screened by CA's and DD's with Subs out as long range scouts are my preferred naval units. I don't disagree that a stack of BB's can be very useful, but I've rarely found the resources needed to b research/buil…

  • Got it, thanks you both.

  • MontanaBB, I'll admit that higher level BB's are pretty good sea-going artillery. However, they are resource intensive, they take a long time to research/build, and unless you are willing to commit to losing Oil production (Unless you have a Oil producing province with your Lvl 3 shipyard) I've found that typically they are not worth all of the above. In terms of defense against, I've found Railguns to be a nice little countermeasure when enemy BB's begin prowling the coast. It comes down to tra…

  • Back in the day, I joined an Alliance in-game. Fast forward to over a year later, and that Alliance no longer appears to be operational. I don't seem to be able to leave that Alliance. What am I missing? It seems to me one should have the ability to leave an alliance the same way one can choose to leave a Coalition "in-game". If there is such a method, I've not yet discovered it. I'm referring to te player themself having the option to leave an alliance, not having to wait for a Leader to remove…