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  • Supply routes

    JCS Darragh - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Personally, I think the way CoW is played doesn't allow for the addition of supply lines or support companies. I don't think CoW is supposed to be like HoI4, the game is in real time as well, which would slow down the game to a crawl once you outrun your jumping off points and your supply points. I like the idea of HQ Companies however, instead of reducing their attack/defense, it remains the same base stat, but when they are in range of an HQ company, they gain a +2 bonus to all stats. But as f…

  • Support companies

    JCS Darragh - - Suggestions / Criticism


    I don't think support companies would work well with CoW, that's a HoI4 thing.

  • Supply routes

    JCS Darragh - - Suggestions / Criticism


    sorry I added onto that list a few years ago, lol

  • Army Unit Names

    JCS Darragh - - Suggestions / Criticism


    the units should stay the same, when they are produce they are automatically named, but you also have the ability to give them custom names.

  • Army Unit Names

    JCS Darragh - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Why do you care about the man power? I simply wanted an aspect to be able to have custom names for units, if you want to name a 500 mp unit to "1st Company" or whatever you wanted, you can do that. You don't have to change every aspect of the game to implement a custom naming system. Let other people enjoy their units, and you can be ultra realistic in a browser game and rename your units to your custom system.

  • Named Units

    JCS Darragh - - Suggestions / Criticism


    I just wanted to be able to rename stacks of units, so instead of it being "1st Armored Car Division" it would just be "1st Armored Division" or some other name.

  • Named Units

    JCS Darragh - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Cool, thanks Mr Community Manager!

  • Named Units

    JCS Darragh - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Just a simple suggestion really, I think it'd be nice to have the ability to rename my units to a custom name. I don't really see a problem with it or a benefit, but just a nice little feature to have. I like to rename my military units to have historical names, because I am weird like that, so uh, yeah, having the ability to rename units to custom names would be cool?

  • Army Unit Names

    JCS Darragh - - Suggestions / Criticism


    The units are regiment-battalion size, a Division is a group of regiments, battalions and brigades. I don't really see a problem with it? Having a squad be produced per day isn't the brightest idea, so yes, lets have a single infantry battalion be made in about a week?

  • Day 48 of no activity

    JCS Darragh - - General Discussions

    Post…46ed444bff081e203b09f8b46]So, got back on after not playing this match for a month of two…46ed444bff081e203b09f8b46

  • OH YEAH FORTS EXIST! I totally forgot about them..

  • Quote from K.Rokossovski: “In the first two days of the operation, Urqhart's men attacked desperately into the city to capture the bridge; they threw in a total of seven batallions which were all decimated (including the one batallion which actually made it), and they took horrendous losse ” Again, another instance of an airborne operation that was not properly planned or supplied. Did these troops have proper supplies? Were they reinforced with artillery and other supports? A successful paratro…

  • Paratrooper Stories?

    JCS Darragh - - General Discussions


    Right... I uh know that.. I haven't actually played Call of War in a few months.. but uh um.. yeah..

  • Quote from K.Rokossovski: “While we're at it, why don't we introduce phosphates (needed for ammo, especially artillery, bombers and battleships), cotton (for uniforms), rubber (tires for non-tracked transport), and silk (to produce parachutes) as well? ” How to turn CoW into a dead game that no one plays in a few simple steps!

  • Paratrooper Stories?

    JCS Darragh - - General Discussions


    I haven't had time to sit down and play a game of CoW recently, I've been wanting to since I've seen paratroopers have been added. So, I wanted to ask the community, who has used them? Are they actually useful and cool? They sound pretty awesome, but I haven't gotten to try them out. Thanks!

  • Why not just remove militia entirely? Why not make them upgrades to provinces? So when any unit is defending that province, they get +X amount of defense points or something. That way you don't have any of that to worry about in the first place.

  • Quote from atreas1: “For more information see about Crete. ” It seems that is one of the few airborne operations that actually failed, while Crete did not fail, it was a poorly planned operation. There are countless examples of paratroopers dropping in territory and not taking heavy losses, Normandy, Operation: Just Cause, the Soviet airborne landings in Afghanistan, just to name a few. When you drop the proper supplies and plan the operation and actually give support to paratroopers, they will …

  • Quote from amonmontu: “What we need are independent, dedicated transport planes like in CC that can transport troops, later on some wheels. As there are a lot of transport planes in many levels in this regard during war. Some for troops, some larger planes also for armor units or armored troops. ” While you are not wrong about this, CoW is at the battalion level, meaning 1,000 ish troops at best. Transport planes back in the day did not carry entire battalions of troops, they MAYBE carried a pla…

  • Ideologies

    JCS Darragh - - Suggestions / Criticism



  • I think if each country had the same amount of officers, then it would be fair, the players would have to manage which officers go into which army, what they want this group of units to be good at, etc. I think things should be unbalanced, A SMALL AMOUNT, to where choosing an officer who is good at planes would make planes even more deadly.