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  • Just 3 ideas

    beastyben7 - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Encirclement is a big yes for me. It would add great strategy to the game. The only problem is the upkeep of colonies located elsewhere on the map. They are not connected, so how to they get their upkeep. Still a great idea if it can be implemented in the right way!

  • Retreat

    beastyben7 - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Sometimes when I attack, I want to be able to retreat and save some troops. If I know I won't win a battle, I wan to be able to pull out, and save any remaining troops. For example, if I had 3 troops in a province, and I get attacked by 20 troops, I will loose everything, but they will only take a small hit on their total condition. I want to be able to retreat and gather troops together so that they will be better capable of defending. Right now, whenever someone attacks you, you are forced to …

  • Literally the most pointless suggestion I have heard yet

  • I just tried to trade provinces and it says I can trade 4 provinces a game! why tho

  • Yes but there is a setting where you cannot use the same internet or something, and that already prevents this, so I see no point in having it there

  • I have hit a roadblock because I have to many games running at once. I can't start playing any more because I have to wait for all of my games to finish and for someone to win. I'm not playing my archived games, so why don't we just give option to "delete" games, and then they would not be limiting you, but you can never rejoin them.

  • I think that there is no point whatsoever in having the province trade limit. I get that it is supposed to prevent players from giving land to each other, but it is really just annoying. Oftentimes I find myself trying to trade or sell land or my useless colonies, and this just gets in the way. One province is too limiting, and gets in the way. I want it to either be less limiting, or not there. For example, if I have allies and we attacked Europe, it may be in a very big mess, so we may want to…

  • OK BACK ON SUBJECT!! Quote from Diabolical: “Now, I'm not in favor of forcing any player to build a balanced military. Though I much prefer balance, myself, if someone else wants to build nothing but Bombers, that's their choice. But as it stands, now, the way the technology system is set up, it encourages players to hyperfocus on only a few technologies. ” It seem the current problem is as you describe it: -players "hyper focusing" on only a few branches -lack of balance between research catego…

  • Axis Vs Allies Map

    beastyben7 - - Suggestions / Criticism


    What if the map was just focused on the European theater, and it would be the size of the historical 10 player European map, but with more divided provinces similar to the 25 player map. This could be focused on freeing Europe from Axis control. Another map could focus on the Pacific between Japan and USA. Focus again on freeing Asia from Japanese control. Both of these would be two players each game.

  • Divided France Map

    beastyben7 - - Suggestions / Criticism


    I like the france map idea, but your africa map is a waste because we already have the Mediterranean map. Do you mean an extended version of the map to go further south?

  • Fortification Cost

    beastyben7 - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Yes, but the current cost, I believe is way too discouraging and if the price was lowered then more players would use it. I am not saying it needs to be half the price, but I am proposing that the cost be taken down from 3,000 metal. 2,500 would be much better. I think players need to use fortifications more often because it would change up the fundamental strategy of the game and make it more realistic.

  • Quote from MartinB: “Quote from Diabolical: “I detect a note of jealousy on your part. ” No mate, I have no reason whatsover to feel jealous about a player who only has a K/D ratio of 3.00 against the AI…78f7c4a3445c1bc9a85447427 ” dangggg...

  • Fortification Cost

    beastyben7 - - Suggestions / Criticism


    I commonly find myself wanting to build fortifications, but it simply costs way to much steel to ever be worth it. I think it should be lowered to 2,000 or maybe even 1,500 rather than 3,000. I think that to make up for this price change, you could extend the build time, but fortifications can be a very important part of determining battle strategy, and they are not being utilized as they should be. Lets think about this in logical terms, you could either build level 5 fortification for 15,000 m…

  • Axis Vs Allies Map

    beastyben7 - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Its would be the 25 player map, and you would just control a heck of a ton more land. I wouldn't describe it as hard.

  • Currently it is already hard to keep up with all branches, based on the speed of the game. For me, it is already hard enough to keep up on armor and air. I see the importance to what you are arguing so, maybe research times would need to require 2/3 of the time it is now, this way you can keep up with the "day limiting". It is already hard to keep up with it, and for certain things I don't think it is necessary to do this, this would make the game much more dull because this would force players …

  • Axis Vs Allies Map

    beastyben7 - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Quote from T-3PO: “Actually, you can make a map like this rather easily. If you go to this lovely forum and make a post such as. Soon I'll be making a game with two free teams. Team 1 is Allies and Team two is axis. It'll be Blitzkrieg and the Allies will be America, France, England and the USSR. The Axis will Germany and Italy. It's not exactly the same, but it's cool enough. ” No that is different because you are using multiple players for each side, this would be 1 player for the Allies and 1…

  • Axis Vs Allies Map

    beastyben7 - - Suggestions / Criticism


    New Map Idea: full world map 2 players controlling major axis or allied territory historical game play borders based off after Germany has conquered France, Poland etc. All land is "core province" Each player controls a single country titled axis or allies Multiple capitols per each country included in axis Once a capitol is captured, the whole country is instantly given to the opposing side For example if I play "Axis", and the "Allies" capture my Italian capital, all land originally under "Ita…

  • New Game Option

    beastyben7 - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Pretty much, you can have a setting when you create a game to have these in your game, separate from one another: Instant build/research/production No research day limits Double Production Free High Command Mode (lets players see what high command is like, so that they may want to purchase it later) super fast round (all production / research / movement / build speeds are 100 times faster) (sort of like atwar) These could rounds could be tested in one of the "event" games.

  • I don't think I have ever seen a truck carrying a battleship before, and I don't think I ever will.

  • Limit troop stacking up to maybe 10 or so, otherwise players can stack all of their units in one spot and create and unstoppable mass of troops that can tear through all defenses. If we limit this, I believe it will add a better sense of strategy rather than players using the same strategy of invading with unstoppable forces.