Simplify Battle Mechanics or make a low luck option

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    • Simplify Battle Mechanics or make a low luck option

      I would really, really enjoy strait forward battle mechanics or greatly reduced variability. This could even just be a game option- Low or no luck as a check box when someone creates a game. There would be no hidden match up bonuses or penalties that leave us wondering. If there is a penalty that alters the stats, let it be stated in the attributes of the unit. If there is no hidden factors now and its all caused by variability, that confusion can be fixed by making things less random or showing a range of damage in the unit description instead or a set number.

      The damage done is equal to the stated damage vs armor type multiplied by the state based efficiency. If multiple armor types are being damaged, then you could distribute the attack or defense retaliation on a weighted average. If you feel you need to keep slower units more likely to be hit, you can keep this, just explain it in mathematical terms.

      Example 1: If 2 AA guns lv1 are attacked by 2 Tac Bombers Lv1 then the result would be predictable- The TBs should do 6 damage vs infantry type and the AA should do 8 damage and their state based efficiencies should be reflected lower on next attack. Also to increase the accuracy of the result, hit points should be taken out to the hundredths. Countless time I have seen this attack do absolutely zero damage to the Tac Bomber.

      The other place where clarification is needed is at first contact in battle. So many times I have attacked with overwhelming force that should have instantly killed the units 3 times over based on the stats including state based efficiency, only to have my stack hung up for an extra hour because the lone infantry that I was attack still had 1 or 2 hit points left. I think instant kills are realistic as it is just the morale that is being killed. In real life, any life respecting commanding office would waive the white flag when faced with such odds- and they did that in WW2.

      The key would to be the make it understandable. If you love variability, lets limit it to 20%. Many times I have seen it +/- 100% with the opposite side getting the variability in the opposite direction. When a unit take zero damage, that amounts to infinity variability on the down side. If the Devs intend this, provide the "chance to miss" stats in the unit info.

      Please chime in if you would like the devs to experiment with low luck or spelled out, less random battle mechanics.