A little suggestion

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    • A little suggestion

      I would add the ability to choose how much to produce for each resource, as in Supremacy. This would make the game more interesting and more strategic, although would reduce the possibility to spend gold to buy resources.

      Io aggiungerei la possibilità di scegliere quanto produrre per ogni risorsa, come in Supremacy. Questo renderebbe il gioco più interessante e più strategico, anche se ridurrebbe la possibilità di spendere gold per comprare le risorse.
    • more interesting? Would just not work... when you decrease one ressource another one needs to rise. But the ressources do not suit each other like in supremacy where it was easy to put them into categories.

      I think the step back to not giving us the option to choose how much we produce is the

      The Old wrote:

      more interesting and more strategic
      part of the game as you wrote.
    • *Sigh*

      The resource slider in Supremacy 1914 adjusts CIVILIAN CONSUMPTION based on the 3 resource groupings of Food, Materials, Energy.

      In Call of War, there is NO civilian consumption, besides a tiny amount of grain and stocks. And there are no resource groupings.

      Basically, if there was a resource slider, it will would only slide between grain and stocks. Which doesn't make sense, as they cannot be compared.
    • What you have said is very interesting. The fact remains that now if you have not a resource you have to wait for it increases or you have to buy it. Before you could choose to decrease a resource for another resource increase.
      It is better or worse?

      Quello che avete detto è molto interessante. Rimane il fatto che adesso se non hai una risorsa devi aspettare che si incrementi o devi comprarla. Prima potevi scegliere di decrementare una risorsa per incrementarne un'altra. E' meglio o peggio?