Full detailed province list

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    • Full detailed province list

      As every province has a different base production, and a 'final' production when you take into account morale, core provinces, structures and so, i'd like to have a pannel when you can see a full list of provinces with base values and final values of money/manpower/resource (as well as morale) in addition of informatin currently presented in the province list, so that it is possible to build an improvement in the 'best' province without having to browse all of them one by one.
    • Oh, i missed it in the second page.
      Anyway also morale should be displayed, so it will be easier to see provinces low of morale, and eventually decide to send some units.
      Also the proposed solution in the other topic to order provinces based on population doesn't solve completely my concern as it doesn't take into account morale which has an effect over resource production (so it is better to build first in a province with lower population but with higher morale than the reverse)