Minor fixes (annoying stuff easy to fix). Maybe options-tab ?

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    • Minor fixes (annoying stuff easy to fix). Maybe options-tab ?

      -I have about 1000 missiles so confirming each launch is annoying. Maybe options/don't ask.
      -same for naming nukes, after about 100th it just gets annoying extra clicks. Options/nuke default name "later dude" and missiles would be later dude1 to 10000... Or no naming option click, I dont really care.

      -I would love to be able to paint the name in order to copy it (province name). When I click province, on top of the info screen it is in large font that is image i.e. cannot be copied. Could this be made into text so I could copy it for search/messages. ALSO I sometimes don't know if it is Iolds or Lolds or such with maybe foreign letter...

      Small things, should be not too big a hassle to fix, thanks :tumbleweed:
      Or like there's community games ranking make another, options-tab for this kind of things.

      Peaceful sleep for u in death X/ when I grab your lands !