Fallout: Resurgence Roleplay

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    • Player Name: Sceptimus123

      Discord Username: Sceptimus123#2201

      I hereby agree to follow all of the rules and guidelines presented within this roleplay as well as any future rules or guidelines that are created.
      I Agree

      I agree to be expelled from the Roleplay if I repeatably break the rules and/or refuse to cooperate with the Roleplay's Staff.
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      Faction Information:

      Faction Name: Black Hill Factories

      Starting Country: Mississippi

      Faction Leader: Adam Westbrook

      Faction Description: The state of Mississippi is a very all-around place to live in this current state of the world. Half of the state is swampy marshes that the natives once ruled and the other half was factories that produced fire arms, food, ammunition and metals.The faction which was created by and currently being leaded by Adam Westbrook, a descendant of a American Commander who was deployed in Mississippi before the Great War. Leadership was already in his blood and DNA and he has overcome the odds and rebuild some of the factories and gain the trust of the people around the state to become their leader.

      Factions Military: The Black Hill Factories may not have the largest armies but they can hold up and defend from two fronts. Luckily for the factories slowly up and running again they can have more weapons and ammo in the barracks to help conquer and defend their land. They mainly have scraped together some armored vehicles, a small, empty airbase and 3 Power Armor suits which have little to no power in the cores.

      Factions Technology: Black Hill Factories have a little advanced technology that most factions may not have based on their location and how the bombs affected the factories. Mississippi had a lot of tech as the were a distribution center during and before the Great War. They weren't as committed to technological advancements and the NCR are but they were pretty advanced.

      Factions Political System: The current president is Adam Westbrook and the election system is the same as a regular U.S. election. The Black Hill Factories are almost sure on their Political views and are deciding to be a Democratic state as they were originally when the land was founded.

      Starting Technology Tree Picks: (Use a total of 10 Tech Points)
      Lvl. 2 Infantry
      Lvl. 2 Armored Car
      Lvl. 1 Artillery
      Lvl. 1 Mobilized Infantry

      -Unit Descriptions For The Technologies That You Have Selected-

      Infantry - 90-150 Militia/Volunteers
      The main fighting force of the BHF State. Mainly volunteers with little training and little experience with strategy and tactics. Capable of defending the state from common enemies. But require support to deal with larger more organized enemies.

      Armored Cars - 3-5 Lightly Armored re-purposed civilian vehicles, 40-75 scouts and volunteers.
      The usual support group used for quick action and scouting. Has more well trained infantry with volunteers, but aren't military geniuses either.

      Artillery - 12 Artillery Guns and Crews, and 25-40 volunteers for protection.
      The long range guns of the BHF. They were scavenged and repaired into usable condition to support troops and weaken the enemy before attacks.

      Mobilized Infantry - 1-2 Decently Armored Vehicles and 30-40 Well Trained soldiers.
      The second strongest part of the main army, the mobilized division is the strongest and fastest group of common infantry groups. They are trained for extended periods of time and are taught advanced strategies and tactics. They are in low numbers but are a force to be reckoned with.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Sceptimus123 ().

    • Player Name: Razer

      Discord Username: Hexelarity

      I hereby agree to follow all of the rules and guidelines presented within this roleplay as well as any future rules or guidelines that are created.
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      Faction Information

      If you are signing up for an already made faction please leave the description blank

      Faction Name: The Reformed Army of Mutants

      Starting Country: Central America

      Faction Leader: Razer

      Faction Description: Formed after the collapse of Master's Army the
      reformed army of Mutants numbers mostly Super Mutants but also a few
      tamed mutants from else where. Razer Turko leads the Army with an
      iron fist and shows no hesitation to killing the Innocent. The Army
      operates under a unified command of Razer and His Advisors.

      Factions Military: The Reformed Army mainly uses primitive weapons such
      as pipe rifles and assortment of handmade weapons, though on rare occasions
      the Reformed army uses Pre War military grade weaponry, though this is
      only used by High Ranking commanders and soldiers and the Elite Turko
      Guards. Most of the time raiding groups are sent to pillage and find weapons.
      Factions Technology: The Reformed Army uses primitiv technology, though it
      has acquired some pre war advanced technology but with little research tools
      and a rather lacking interest in learning the technology lays collecting

      Factions Political System: The Reformed Army is lead by one Leader which
      is Razer himself, though he does have a ring of advisors though
      they only command small units in the Army, not the army itself.

      Starting Technology Tree Picks: The Reformed army is soley made from
      standard infantry which have taken up arms to serve Razer and his ever
      expanding army. The Infantry of the Reformed Army or R.A are armed with pipe
      rifles and pistols, though commanders and elite soldiers use pre-war
      assault rifles and pistols and even armor strapped to their bodies. The whole
      bulk of the R.A is just infantry, with little to no knowledge of vehicles
      they are rarely used only on rare occasions or celebrations. Thus there is
      over 1,000 soldiers in the R.A prepared for combat.

      Unit Descriptions For The Technologies That You Have Selected (stated in the
      infantry tab)
    • Player Name: Scottgrad

      Discord Username: Michaelhausen

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      Faction Information

      If you are signing up for an already made faction please leave the description blank

      Faction Name: The American Enclave

      Starting Country: No fucking idea, Mag told me this was available.

      Faction Leader: No fucking idea, I'm going to pick up where the last guy left off so it seems fluid.
    • Application

      Player Name: Colonel Autumn

      Discord Username: Colonel Autumn#6343

      I hereby agree to follow all of the rules and guidelines presented within this roleplay as well as any future rules or guidelines that are created.
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      I agree to be expelled from the Roleplay if I repeatably break the rules and/or refuse to cooperate with the Roleplay's Staff.
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      Faction Information

      Enclave -

      Faction Name: Enclave

      Starting Country: Indiana

      Faction Leader: Colonel Autumn

      Faction Description: The Enclave- the last Vestige of the 'True' American Government has suffered a string of defeats over the course of the passing 5 decades. From the loss of Control Station ENCLAVE (Enclave Oil rig), Navarro base, and the entirety of the West Coast to the crushing defeat at Washington D.C. Even Vault City- a puppet state of the Enclave is no more.The American Eagle's wings are tattered and worn by this point, Raven Rock served as the last proper base of operations for Enclave forces. Now all that remains is scattered hastily made outposts across Indiana. Indianapolis is but the last fortress of the Enclave which houses now 90% of the Enclave's production facilities. The Enclave is a shadow of its former self and it beset by enemies, inferior humans. It must assert its dominance or it will fade forever into the foot notes of history.

      The American Eagle must not fall. The elite of America will not have it.

      Factions Military: The Enclave exist as the most elite force in the Americas and presumably most of the world. Enclave forces have taken immense losses over the decades and lack the ability to maintain their former elite selection of troopers. It is only recent the Enclave has begun to accept Wastelander recruits..as part of a segregated section of the army, obviously!

      Factions Technology: The Enclave is not only one of the few factions to possess Pre-war technology en masse but it is also one if not the only faction to create new technology as well. The advent of the Plasma Rifle, X series power armor, and vertibird upgrades puts the Enclave two steps ahead of its competition..but at the loss of manpower.

      Factions Political System: Formerly the Enclave existed in mimicking the old structure of the United States in the days it sat on an oil rig off the coast of California. Back then there existed shady councils of political and economic elites from the days of Pre-war America. Since then many of those shady people have died, many of the Enclave's founders are gone. The Enclave has become a military dictatorship beneath Colonel Augustus Autumn- the last remaining official capable of leading the Enclave.

      Starting Technology Tree Picks- Will talk with you about it over discord.

      Unit Descriptions For The Technologies That You Have Selected

      Militia - 130 soldiers.

      The Enclave has reluctantly begun accepting Wastelander recruits into its ranks for garrison operations and as cheap front-line units. The common Militiaman for the Enclave come equipped with basic training, combat armor, and a variety of weapons ranging from assault rifles to low-grade energy weaponry such as laser rifles and pistols.

      Infantry - Basic Infantry Regiment/National Guard Battalion - 25 Power Armored Troopers (X-01, T-51b, and T-45d series) (or) 100 Infantry.

      The pride of the Enclave army, the mainstay so to speak always existed on its T-51b divisions. These would later be replaced by the inevitable production of the X-01 (the first new model power armor to be made post-war) but was never scrapped. The current situation of the Enclave has left the nation unable to refute usage of older model power armors. The days of which Enclave divisions saw a uniform stature are long gone. Now Enclave basic Infantry Divisions are a mismatched mess of X-01 Power Armor mixed in with older T-51b and T-45d among fresher recruits.


      Due to severe manpower shortages the Enclave Army was forced to begin accepting Wastelanders into its ranks. Make no mistake the common wastelander is treated much like cannon fodder and is only well equipped by organized Wasteland standards. The infantryman of the Enclave are as well armed as NCR troopers but lack the same tenacity as Brotherhood initiates.

      Light Tanks - X-02 Infantry Regiment- 25 X-02 Armored Troopers.

      What was the basic fighting force of the Enclave Army has now become its more 'elite' forces. Well armed, well trained, and -very- swift X-02 troopers are well fit for breakthrough operations but will suffer in enclosed environments such as mountains.

      Medium Tanks - X-03 or X-02 (Tesla Variant) Regiment - 20 Armored troops and 5 sentry bots

      Colonel Autumn's preferred Power Armor, the dreaded 'Hellfire' variant makes up the Enclave's toughest infantry forces alongside X-02 Telsa Squads. Due to the shortage of these armor frames it is often these Heavy Infantry divisions will be mixed in with one another. Packing even more firepower than X-01 divisions and -more- armor Enclave Heavy divisions stand as the most powerful Power Armor units in the wasteland. As an added bonus to this already powerful fire group the newest Sentry bot variants are also tasked with assisting these troops in their offensives.

      Motorized Infantry - 30 Deathclaws - Deathclaw Assault Regiment

      It's a soft secret in the wastelands that Deathclaws were caused by the dreaded F.E.V. or Forced Evolutionary Virus. The Enclave has in recent decades used Mind-controlling devices strapped to the heads of Deathclaws in order to effectively tame and use these lethal creatures as shock troopers.

      Deathclaws themselves are terrible beasts on their own, but so many of them grouped up in one place? An assault regiment becomes a swirling mass of sharp claws and flesh rendering teeth. Deathclaw breeding programs have intensified as of recent across Indianapolis as a hopeful solution to the Enclave's manpower woes.
      • Enclave_Symbol_(FO3).png

        35.95 kB, 1,020×1,020, viewed 392 times
      • Enclave troops.jpg

        270.23 kB, 1,920×1,080, viewed 643 times
      • Enclave X-02.jpg

        149.01 kB, 1,920×1,080, viewed 1,067 times
      • Colonel Autumn.jpg

        15.85 kB, 200×237, viewed 257 times

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Colonel Autumn ().

    • Fallout - Crimson Omen [ Cuba ] - Pt I


      Player Name: SgtAchaean

      Discord Username: Achaean#0636

      I hereby agree to follow all of the rules and guidelines presented within this roleplay as well as any future rules or guidelines that are created: Roger.

      I agree to be expelled from the Roleplay if I repeatedly break the rules and/or refuse to cooperate with the Roleplay's Staff: Roger.

      Crimson Omen
      - replacing -
      Leviathan's Horde

      Starting Country:


      Official Languages:
      Russian, Spanish

      State Religion:
      ( Intentionally broad )


      Faction Leader:
      Firstborn Nikolai Aleksandrov

      Faction Description:
      For the world, the 21st century was catastrophic. For Cuba, the 21st century proved a new beginning. While far from a paradise thanks to the nuclear war itself, rule by an American puppet government that saw the island nation used as a grand prison complex, and decades upon decades of sanctions before said government installation, Cuba saw less direct nuclear activity than more strategic locations of its puppet master. Mostly importantly, it saw the filth washed away.

      ‘Just enough.’
      - Firstborn Nikolai Aleksandrov, in referral to the aftermath

      Abandoned hastily by the Soviet Union in a coordinated effort with the United States to suppress ever rising Chinese global influence in 2045, countless Soviet operatives found themselves stranded in a foundering ship and painfully exposed. Furious at their homeland not for their abandonment, but rather for working with their longtime rival, many of the operatives vanished. Perhaps as a final favor for service, the USSR offered only silence upon inquiry as to ‘where’ this vast network of operatives vanished to.

      ‘It falls to us.’
      - ASCV Propaganda, instilling duty for the anticipated ‘aftermath’

      Built secretly in the 1960’s far beneath Havana, the Ascension Vault ( also known as ASCV ) sat dormant until 2045 when aimless Soviet operatives flooded in. Despite their numbers, the vault remained only lightly occupied until it sealed its doors in 2077. Anticipating either the eventual return of the Soviet Union or nuclear war, the operatives formed a quiet society that utilized their covert skills to ‘relieve’ the surface of supplies for years. When nuclear warfare, followed by nuclear winter, finally blanketed the globe, ASCV was stocked to the point that some of the unused living quarters were filled to the brim. Although designed to hold five thousand souls, a truly impressive feat for an early era vault, only about a thousand people were within when the mighty doors sealed.

      ‘Evolution comes for us all when the seal is breached. I propose it comes on our terms. Here. NOW.’
      - Firstborn Nikolai Aleksandrov, proposing self-induced evolution

      Day to day life in Ascension Vault was relatively routine, with most efforts focused on maintenance, atmospheric / radiation testing, reproduction, ‘greenhouse’ operations, and facility expansion through hard labor. All changed with the birth of Nikolai Aleksandrov in 2243. Instilled through his parents guidance with a true sense of purpose and a religious fervor, Nikolai grew up to become the leader ASCV needed and expected. Winning the hearts and minds of his fellow vault dwellers, Nikolai slowly assumed leadership positions in every area of focus. At the age of 26, he was named Premier of ASCV.

      Knowing that their time underground was coming to a close, the young Premier pushed his people steadily to believe that unfavorable evolution was occurring on the surface...a surface that they would soon inherit; a partial truth. With fear mounting, Nikolai stripped down the ‘governing’ body of ASCV and formed the Crimson Omen, an organization to pursue the purity of mankind whilst wiping clean the Earth of the impure in the name of the Creator.

      ‘Where He once wiped clean the world with a flood, He now does so with fire.’
      - Firstborn Nikolai Aleksandrov, hinting at lack of purity as cause

      With the formation of the Crimson Omen, the Premier rocked ASCV with the announcement that he would submit himself to radiation exposure with only his faith as his guide to purity. Those closest to the radiation chamber listened in terror as Nikolai’s pain-ridden roar went on for what seemed an eternity before silence settled upon the hallways of ASCV; endless silence.

      Certain he was dead, life dared to continue, only to be stopped abruptly when Nikolai emerged the next day, very much alive; cloaked in his unseen faith and without a doubt at least a foot taller and doubled in muscularity.

      ‘Our salvation is upon us. Humanity’s salvation is upon us.’
      - Firstborn Nikolai Aleksandrov, after emerging from radiation exposure

      On that day, nine years from E-Day ( emergence day ), Nikolai Aleksandrov became known as the Firstborn. Subsequently, the Firstborn decreed that all ASCV dwellers must join the Crimson Omen and undergo the ‘purity’ treatment...a test of faith and an evolutionary gift from above; the strength of an impure mutant without the impurity.

      Those that refused were ‘purged’ as impure per the Crimson Omen’s doctrine. Those that believed, or simply complied, met with varied results; some became ‘pure’, some were called home early for their faith, and others revealed their sinfulness through true impurity and thus met their end at the hand of the Crimson Omen.

      Whilst the ‘Tribes’ of Cuba ran rampant above and strove for power, the Crimson Omen purged itself and became stronger still. Living Quarters in ASCV had been expanded over the centuries to hold ten thousand people, every bunk filled and then some. The bloody rise of the ‘pure’ faithful led to the death of roughly one third of the ASCV.

      Yet the death of the unfaithful and the impure mean nothing. When the seal is finally breached...the promised land waits to be subdued, and the multiplication of pure seed with it. Those who await the day of their purity pray for the Crimson Omen’s arrival, and the impure…

      ...shall look upon their fate and tremble.


      While the Ascension Vault contains functional munition shops, they are outdated and limited in what they can do; mostly adept at producing and repairing dated small arms, light weapons, and ammunition, be it common or advanced. Although the island of Cuba hosted an American puppet government, little to no advanced weaponry is found within the region. Limited direct nuclear hits during the great war spared early 21st century shipyards and warships, however, and the swift ‘dissolution’ of the unsuspecting Leviathan’s Horde has led to the Crimson Omen being able to commandeer vast naval assets and the means to both maintain and produce more. Knowledge passed down from the first ASCV dwellers has also allowed the Crimson Omen to uncover various Soviet-era caches, damaged but salvageable arms plants, and a single covert submarine pen; looted by Americans but untargeted by nuclear warheads. Old 1960 Soviet missile silos have also been uncovered, but remain inoperable...for now.

      ‘Purity’ ( strength ) and extensive combat training remain the greatest strengths of Crimson Omen forces. While not all serve, all are trained and capable.

      [ Continued ]
    • Fallout - Crimson Omen [ Cuba ] - Pt 2

      [ Continued ]


      The Crimson Omen recognizes the need for technological development but lacks the resources to put their ‘pure’ minds to. As such, efforts are put towards scavenging, improvising and replicating simple late 20th century and early 21st century weapons, armor and items. While what’s left of the world abandons its search for near non-existent fossil fuels, the Crimson Omen actively searches for it and thrives off what little it can find thanks to its most current breakthrough improving the efficiency at which their machinery utilizes various fossil fuels.

      Eventually, the ‘pure’ faithful may be blessed with advanced facilities. Until then, the ‘pure’ faithful are thankful for the tools they are provided.

      Political System:

      The Crimson Omen is a theocratic, militaristic, and authoritarian regime led by the Firstborn Nikolai Aleksandrov. Brutal and unforgiving, the Crimson Omen has come into the belief that the world was wiped clean for a second time so that the faithful may usher in mankind’s purity whilst cleansing the Earth of the impure and unfaithful. As a whole, the Crimson Omen is violently xenophobic.

      Starting Technology:
      24 Points ( 10 Base + 14 Stockpiled )

      Infantry - Level 6
      Artillery - Level 2
      Submarines - Level 3
      Destroyers - Level 2
      Battleship - Level 1
      Rocket - Level 1

      Unit Descriptions:

      Militia - Varied

      While not everyone in the Crimson Omen serves, all are trained and capable. All ‘pure’ are issued, at the very least, an aged AK-47 and a Rhodesian Chest Rig jammed full of magazines for an emergency or opportune moment.

      Infantry - 100 ‘Pure’

      ‘Pure’ who train endlessly and constantly explore the limits of their enhanced strength, these are truly combatants that one does not wish to engage in close combat ( or combat at all, for that matter ) if given a choice. Standard issue ranges from AK-47, AKM, AK-74, to AK-103 ( depending on armory availability ) and Level IV body armor. Roughly 1/4th of these units are designated as weapon squads, which are issued heavier weapon systems such as the RPK and RPG-7. When available, night vision, smoke and fragmentation grenades are issued.

      These soldiers cannot be outrun by the ‘impure’.

      Artillery - 6 D-30 122 mm howitzer 2A18, 48 ‘Pure’ crew

      Towed artillery pieces found in old Soviet supply caches, these aging weapons of destruction are capable of rapid 360 degree traversability and hitting targets as far away as 21 km. Although a long outdated piece of equipment, the armament plants under Crimson Omen control are capable of replicating these.

      Submarines - 1 Improved Kilo-class submarine, 52 ‘Pure’ crew

      Built in the mid-1980s, several of these diesel-electric attack submarines were found in the port of Havana. Speculation leads to the belief that pre-war they were decommissioned and set for museum duty, while post-war the ‘Leviathan’s Horde’ deemed them less than useful and unseaworthy, a mistake that cost them their own ‘Hydra’ submarines. Crimson operatives were able to restore them to operation shortly after emergence and piece together rough blueprints for future construction or adaptation for a new, better submersible. Improved Kilo-class submarines are equipped with anechoic tiles, making them harder to detect.

      Destroyers - 1 Sovremennyy-class destroyer, 1 Kamov Ka-27 anti-submarine warfare helicopter, 350 ‘Pure’ crew
      Much like the Improved Kilo-class submarines, Sovremennyy-class destroyers were quickly found upon emergence derelict but afloat at partially usable shipyards. Fortunately for the Crimson Omen, several drydocks were able to be restored to a workable level in order to administer proper repairs to these old, but effective, warships. With knowledge passed down from the first ASCV dwellers, the Sovremennyy-class destroyer, like much of the Soviet equipment, is familiar from instruction alone. Crimson Omen engineers believe they can replicate, with time, of course, this late 1970s warship. Once dubbed a ‘carrier killer’, the Sovremennyy-class destroyer has good detection paired with speed, superb anti-air capabilities, and ample weaponry to take down both surface ships and submersibles. This particular warship also boasts a helicopter pad for use by one Kamov Ka-27 anti-submarine warfare helicopter, if available.

      Battleships - 1 Kirov-class battlecruiser, 3 Kamov Ka-27 anti-submarine warfare helicopters, 710 ‘Pure’ crew

      Moored in the Havana harbor floated the hull and basic framework of what would have become a mighty Kirov-class battlecruiser. Upon completion it would have joined the ranks of the largest surface combatant ships in the world, but instead it sits incomplete at port. While some may see this as a disappointment, the Crimson Omen sees this as a blessing. Though it will take time in drydock, one day soon the Crimson Omen will put to sea a warship that will make even the most advanced warships tremble. Officially designated as a ‘heavy nuclear-powered guided missile cruiser’, this warship brings to bear tremendous firepower, a helicopter pad, a below deck hangar fit for three Kamov Ka-27 anti-submarine warfare helicopters, and aging, yet advanced, electronic countermeasures. Fortunate to have the foundation for one such ship, it remains to be seen if it will be possible to acquire another without one miraculously sailing from the remains of the Soviet Union itself.

      Rockets - SS-1e Scud-D

      With the discovery of the old 1960 Soviet missile silos came also the discovery of underground bunkers filled with SS-1e Scud-D tactical ballistic missiles. While capable of delivering a nuclear or chemical payload, the Crimson Omen does not have access to either and nor does it see the need to use such payloads. Accessible stockpiles so far have been determined to be conventional high-explosive and fragmentation. While capable of being launched from a mobile platform, none have been found or rigged together, so repairs to the missile silos have begun. SS-1e Scud-D ballistic missiles are capable of travelling up to 700 km at mach 5 and landing within 50 m of the intended target. While the old infamous nuclear payloads from the 1960s most certainly exist somewhere on the island, for now they shall remain hidden as the stockpiles of SS-1e Scud-D’s will more than suffice for the will of the Crimson Omen.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by SgtAchaean ().

    • Player Name:Cap_Fredrick

      Discord Username:King Vacco

      I hereby agree to follow all of the rules and guidelines presented within this roleplay as well as any future rules or guidelines that are created.
      I Agree to these terms.

      I agree to be expelled from the Roleplay if I repeatably break the rules and/or refuse to cooperate with the Roleplay's Staff.
      I Agree to these terms as well.

      Faction Name:Peacekeepers

      Starting Country:East Mexico

      Faction Leader:Fredrick Riveria
      Race: Caucasian male with a bit of Hispanics in him


      Faction Description:
      he Peacekeepers are the descendants of the former Mexican peacekeeping forces that have been trying it's best to keep some type of order in this chaotic world...which has failed....they lost the majority of Mexico to raiders and other...mutations of the wasteland.....only leaving a small force in the eastern part of Mexico.....but even with this small force they have kept order almost that of a pre war country....they have managed to do much but still constant raids plagues the Peacekeepers...but lately they have been able to beat back most of these raiders and now they hope to recover and hope that some amount of the true America remains.

      Factions Military:Average faction but due to pretty much 200 years of fighting off raiders they have lower numbers then the other average fraction.....they have a force like a advanced faction but not the tech of an advanced faction so (75 troopers)

      Factions Technology: (10 TP)

      level 3 infantry 3
      level 4 medium tanks 7
      level 2 heavy tanks 9
      level 1 militia 10

      Turn 2 (44 TP)
      mechanized infantry to level 3
      (37 tech points left)
      armored car to level 2
      (35 points left)
      light tanks to level 3
      (26 pints left)
      art to level 2
      (22 points left)
      destroyer to level 3
      (18 points left)
      (10 points left)
      level 3 tanks
      (five points left)
      level three anti air
      (one point left)
      and I am going to save the last point

      Factions Political System: The Peacekeepers are an Military Dictatorships which means that when the head leader dies then the new head leader is chosen by a vote of the members of the military

      Unit Descriptions For The Technologies That You Have Selected
      Infantry:recruited and descendants of the original Peacekeeping forces
      Medium tanks:elite soldiers in T-51 power armor
      Heavy tanks:M1A4 MBT


      The post was edited 1 time, last by Cap_Fredrick: updating for my tech points ().

    • Application

      Player Name: vincentpershings

      Discord Username: Alfonso_Villeja #3603

      I hereby agree to follow all of the rules and guidelines presented within this roleplay as well as any future rules or guidelines that are created.
      I Agree

      I agree to be expelled from the Roleplay if I repeatably break the rules and/or refuse to cooperate with the Roleplay's Staff.
      I Agree

      Faction Name: Dominion of Terrafeltia

      " style="float: left">

      Starting Country: Northern California

      Faction Leader: Regnator Alphonsus Vencerus

      Faction Description:
      The people of Terrafeltia were once a simple nomad people, small and backward. They constantly travelled the wasteland in search for everything that they could use. That changed when they found a surprisingly fertile area in the Northern parts of what was once called Canada. They established a small settlement there and it prospered. They found out that there were many other “Fertile spots”, lands that although had radiation but enough for the fauna to grow, in the region and they sought to create settlements in each one of them. The nation remained quite nameless and uncultured until abrave explorer found very old manuscripts in unearthed ruins. The books contained tales of a very old civilization that was supposedly the most powerful and advanced civilization in the mythical past. Though the name of that civilization was lost, writings about it and its language were able to be deciphered by the people. Hence, they named their nation in the old language, it was Terrafeltia, or Fertile land in that old language. The people of Terrafeltia are a cultured and productive people. They tried to follow much of the old life as possible and their goals are to be a people that will always have a surplus. Not having a war-like mind, they became relatively stable. The people of Terrafeltia seek stability, peace, trade and the cultural arts.

      Factions Military:
      The Dominion of Terrafeltia is relatively powerful. Although not highly advanced, the people of Terrafeltia have a sizable army capable of defending its vast settlements. They pride themselves as having the best War machines. Their War Machines were designed to be fast and well-equipped. It allows their tanks to easily defend every inch of their territory. The Gun of these machines are not powerful in size and power. It instead has the advantage of accuracy, range and piercing capabilities. The troops of Terrafeltia are mainly used where the War machines cannot get into. They are mainly used to hunt down Guerillas and to support the War machines in battle by getting into the nitty-gritty parts. As for a navy, the people of Terrafeltia have never thought of advancing their Navy because most of the trade of Terrafeltia come from the south rather than the desolated northern areas. They only keep a Navy for the sake of having one. Artillery of the Nation is so and so for Terrafeltians prefer the simplicity and power of their war machines. The Terrafeltians are fond of Air units, because aside from the troops, they do a good job of supporting the Untis at land and at scouting the vast territories.
      Factions Technology: (Check the factions page that is listed above for examples)
      Much of the technology that is researched by the Dominion of Terrafeltia involves improving the quality of life and the strength of its armoured units. They also make slight improvements in the efficiency of their troops. The average improvements of their Artillery and Planes make them a a foe not easy to conquer. Terrafeltians pride themselves as intellectual and well-cultured.

      Factions Political System (Check the factions page that is listed above for examples)
      The Political Heart of the Dominion is the Regnator. He controls much of what happens in Terrafeltia. He is aided by the Council of Twelve. On matters that they consider the Regnator cannot handle alone, they vote on it. The total number of votes is 13. Each settlement has a Governor to handle local affairs. All but Two of the people in the Council of Twelve is elected by the citizens every 3 years. Two elections happen every six years, The first is for the first Five Councilors and the second one is for the other five. In that way, the possible shift of Politicians become less dramatic and impactful. The Regnator elects the other two members at his own will. They are called the Right and Left hands of the Monarch. They usually serve as advisers as well.
      Starting Technology Tree Picks (Go to the Tech Tree listed above) (Use a total of 10 Tech Points) (No Aircraft)
      Level 3 Infantry
      Level 3 Light Tanks
      Level 2 Artillery
      Level 1 Light Cruiser.

      Unit Descriptions For The Technologies That You Have Selected

      Infantry - 100 soldiers
      The Infantry of the Dominion is composed of well-disciplined man. They usually follow a Guerilla tactic that allows them to support the War Machines of the Dominion. Each unit usually composes of 80 Automated Riflemen and 20 Laser-Target Bazookas. This unique ratio of soldiers allows them to fight excellently in Urban areas, a weakness of the War Machines. The Infantry are designed to be fast and undetectable. This gave them the nickname of “Mus”, since they move fast like the Mouse and attack at the weakness of the enemies.
      Light Tanks – 125 Light Tanks 25 Armoured Cars
      The Pride of the Nation, the vast number of Light Tanks, nicknamed War Machines, compensate for the weakness of the Dominion in other areas. Designed to attack in Packs, the Light Tanks leave a tale of destruction and chaos. They are supported by 25 Armoured Cars which have multiple purposes. They either scout, support or disrupt the enemy. Overall, the Dominion aims to have the best War Machines in the World by continually advancing their units. They hope to advance to more sophisticated units as well. These tanks never attack a settlement without Infantry however because the tanks are known for being easy targets for Guerillas and Ambush Artillery.

      Artillery – 10 Artillery Guns
      The Dominion mainly uses Artillery Guns to soften advanced defences of the enemy. They are meant to destroy the defences of a settlement or to decrease the size of a large Enemy tank force. They are also used to lessen the morale of the infantry. Because of their multiple uses, the Artillery is fit to handle many types of ammunition. Phosphorous shots against Infantry, Explosive shots against defences and piercing shots against enemy tanks.

      Cruiser- 2 Patrols
      The Dominion Navy is often ridiculed as Fishermen vessels for their backwardness and incapability. The Navy mainly patrols the northern waters against possible raiders and scout the seas for a possible sea ambush. The navy is composed of light armoured patrol vessels that could be barely called a Navy.
    • Application

      Player Name: Uncanny

      Discord Username: TheClassyCouuchPotato

      I hereby agree to follow all of the rules and guidelines presented within this roleplay as well as any future rules or guidelines that are created.
      I Agree

      I agree to be expelled from the Roleplay if I repeatably break the rules and/or refuse to cooperate with the Roleplay's Staff.
      I Agree

      Faction Information
      If you are signing up for an already made faction please leave the description blank

      Faction Name: Caesar's Legion

      Starting Country: New Mexico

      Faction Leader: Edward Sallow, Caesar.

      Faction Description:
      Caesar's Legion is a totalitarian slaver society headed by the Caesar or, as he was formerly known, Edward Sallow. The legion itself is based In New mexico and Colorado around the former Grand Canyon, however has been steadily annexing and assimilating surrounding tribal provinces into the Legion in order to grow and prosper. This society is heavily based upon a hive-like and warrior-like ideology wherein the sole purpose of anyone born or assimilated into the society is to serve until their dying breath. This is possible because the Caesar claims to be the son of Mars, the roman God of war, and that his father, Mars, brought fire and destruction so as the world could be cleansed and united under one unified flag. As such he believes that consumerism corrupts and renders anyone participating an animal as they are in fear of death and only care about survival. Caesar's Legion also has great disdain toward democratic nations as they glorify the wealthy over the worthy. The ambitions of the Legion involve cleansing what they consider evil and corruption from the world and bringing about a world unified under one flag.

      Factions Military: (Check the factions page that is listed above for examples)
      Although the Legion is a Warrior society wherein one's status is determined by their military prowess its technological progression shies in the wake of other more advanced nations. They are tend to shy away from the use of technology and instead rely upon the prowess of the individual and legion to conquer. As such they tend to rely more heavily on the application of Infantry rather than other forms of warfare. These Infantry, however, go through intense and brutal training and the equipment in which they wear is standard across the Legion. The Legion's naval is non-existent and air-forces are limited. All serious technology was salvaged from a military base known as the reservation.

      Factions Technology: (Check the factions page that is listed above for examples)
      Caesar's Legion has based its military prowess not upon the use of Technology but rather the combat effectiveness of the individual and legion. They will not, however, shy from the use of technology when completing and conquering.

      Factions Political System (Check the factions page that is listed above for examples)
      The political system is similar to that of a slave society, wherein, the Caesar is supreme ruler and essentially God to his people.

      Starting Technology Tree Picks (Go to the Tech Tree listed above) (Use a total of 10 Tech Points) (No Aircraft)
      Level 4 Infantry
      Level 1 Artillery
      Level 1 Tank Destroyer

      Unit Descriptions For The Technologies That You Have Selected

      Infantry - 240 soldiers
      Infantry make up the bulk of the Legion's forces and are typically referred to as Legionaries due to the Legion's reliance on the governing system and Ideology of the Roman Empire. Male children are taken from birth to be trained as soldiers for the legion, whereas females are in charge of domestic affairs such as crop growing. Due to their lack of combatant capabilities females are often seen as sub-human. With regards to the equipment the legion fashions, typically sports gear, specifically football gear, is refurbished and upgraded with metal plates to act as Infantry armour. Weaponry employed by the Legion for their Infantry Include Varmint rifles, Sub-machine guns and hunting rifles although melee weapons are often resorted too. The Infantry unit itself is half a Cohort with an entire cohort being 480 men which can be split into 5 centuriae of 80 men, based off the Roman legions.

      Artillery - 12 Artillery Guns
      The artillery utilised by the Legion is used to suppress hostile forces when Infantry are not utilised. They are simply pre-war and had extensive use when combating hostile forces from a distance.

      Tank Destroyer - 20 Humvee's equiped with Rocket Launchers.
      Due to the Legion's lack of fire power in terms of Tank usage, the Tank destroyers were adopted to combat the use and abuse of such vehicles in times of war. They utilise simple rocket launchers to punch through heavily armoured vehicles and ensure the legionaries have equal footing in times of war.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Uncanny ().

    • Application

      Player Name: LucasHudson58

      Discord Username: LucasHudson58#9067

      I hereby agree to follow all of the rules and guidelines presented within this roleplay as well as any future rules or guidelines that are created.
      I Agree

      I agree to be expelled from the Roleplay if I repeatably break the rules and/or refuse to cooperate with the Roleplay's Staff.
      I Agree

      Faction Information
      If you are signing up for an already made faction please leave the description blank

      Faction Name: The Unified Mexican States

      Starting Country: West Mexico

      Faction Leader: Agustin de Itubide

      Faction Description:

      Before the war the Mexicans had found and started excavating a massive oil surplus found under the soil of the Mexico before it went almost extinct. Due to this the Mexico had a economical success during the 21st century. From then the US military was destabilizing the nation forcing oil to be transferred to the US to help their oil crisis, to the Mexicans expense, causing massive pollution problems in Mexico. Food becomes a problem in Mexico and America and riots start to arise across the nations. After the nuke from an unknown source, that 'nukes the world back to the stone age' the Mexicans, have desperately been trying to get back to the economical success they had in the 21st century and reform the nation into a safer place all around,however with not much success due to no stable government.

      Faction Military:

      The Unified Mexican States military consists of many bandits, thieves and pirates. Due to no government no proper military has been formed in the nation and it is one least organized compared to other nearby factions. Due to this the military mainly consists of men and ships with very little vehicles that are only used to transport the thieves and bandits around the large landmass.

      Faction Technology:

      The Unified Mexican States has a great advance in technology when economical and industrial are taken into consideration, as the states are desperately trying to get back to the once had economical success. However their military lacks an sort of high tech due to the amount of money being spent on industry instead of the well needed military that can hold of threats from other factions that try to get hold of the countries more industrialized lands.

      Faction Political System

      The Unified Mexican States fall under a raiders political system with no particular government ruling over the states. The States have no political organization being run by bandits and thieves than have no sympathy for others and are all fighting to survive in the wasteland. Due to the crime rate this political system sustains the population struggles to grow and is going into a decline as time continues.

      Starting Technology Tree Picks (Go to the Tech Tree listed above) (Use a total of 10 Tech Points) (No Aircraft)

      Lv 4 Infantry
      Lv 4 Destroyers

      Unit Descriptions For The Technologies That You Have Selected

      Infantry- 75 Bandits and 50 Thieves

      The strongest bandits and thieves round up to make a small land military to hold off any invasion from other bordering factions that may dare to attack, most likely for the growing success in the industry of the Unified Mexican States.

      Destroyers- 50 Pirates

      As the Mexican coast starts to get further industrialized the pirates began to construct a large navy on the West coast causing a high coastal defense of ships that, although aren't all stable, can provide a great source of transport around the coast and a great naval blockade if needed.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by LucasHudson58 ().

    • President Magnum2016 wrote:


      Player Name: Mr Selfridge

      Discord Username: Mr Selfridge

      I hereby agree to follow all of the rules and guidelines presented within this roleplay as well as any future rules or guidelines that are created.

      I Agree

      I agree to be expelled from the Roleplay if I repeatably break the rules and/or refuse to cooperate with the Roleplay's Staff.

      I Agree

      Faction Information

      If you are signing up for an already made faction please leave the description blank

      Faction Name: James Town

      Starting Country: Virginia

      Faction Leader: Doctor Who

      Faction Description: The year is 1619, James Town fort has been established. We are a group of Puritan with a passion for christ. We have made friends with local indian tribe, the Paspahegh tribe. They are a ferocious warrior tribe with specialised skills in Guerilla warefare. You cant shoot them because you will never see the. Our town is interested in survival and is a god fearing small town, a naion inits own right and Country by boundary. Our townspeople have yet to venture to the world of sin and dis virtue but our women are scorching hot. To that end we have important rules called puritan law. To keep these hot vixens in line we also have an inquisition of stake burning heads of morality that investigate for signs of demonic possession and or magic or witch craft. We have a our townspeople who have Crosses and pitchforks. There is an elite unit of witch burning fanatics, and diplomacy with them is difficult to say the least.Finally we have the hounds from hell. These are giant hybrid wolf dogs and are ferocious and very dangerous. The Jamestown local dog warden controls this army of ferocious beast.


      Factions Military: (Check the factions page that is listed above for examples)

      Paspahegh tribe. They are a ferocious warrior tribe with specialised skills in Guerilla warefare.

      We have a our townspeople who have Crosses and pitchforks. There is an elite unit of witch burning fanatics

      hounds from hell. These are giant hybrid wolf dogs and are ferocious and very dangerous.

      Factions Technology: (Check the factions page that is listed above for examples)

      Burning women on a stake,

      Factions Political System (Check the factions page that is listed above for examples)

      Puritan law

      Starting Technology Tree Picks (Go to the Tech Tree listed above) (Use a total of 10 Tech Points) (No Aircraft)

      Pitchforks, Stakes ,fire, bows and arrows Knife's, Loud instrument of powder fire made of Steel that emits iron bolts of lightning. Catapult. Ferocious hybrid feral hounds. A Goat. Witch hunters.

      Unit Descriptions For The Technologies That You Have Selected

      Witch hunters armed to the teeth and ferocious Indian warriors.


    • Application

      Player Name: Serraserraserrador

      Discord Username: Itamar or something like that

      I hereby agree to follow all of the rules and guidelines presented within this roleplay as well as any future rules or guidelines that are created.
      I Agree

      I agree to be expelled from the Roleplay if I repeatably break the rules and/or refuse to cooperate with the Roleplay's Staff.
      I Agree

      Faction Information
      Centuries of constant radiation have created mutants of various kinds. Most of these mutants were sterile and needed a constant supply of humans to perpetuate themselves.
      Most of these mutants were also semi-irrational, losing their consciousness and their sense of existence, being little more than animals.
      But evolution did its job. Gradually, the more intelligent mutants managed to abduct more humans, passing this characteristic forward thanks to the gene pool they made. In a few decades, muanes are finally able to overcome radiation and breed among themselves, leaving humans at peace and disappearing from their memories.
      This breed of mutants however, continues to evolve, and ends up creating a rudimentary caste society where skills are enhanced through programmed breeding. The murloks, as they call themselves, are divided into three great castes:
      The warriors of monstrous appearance and strength;
      The beaters, who have long legs and arms and walk on four legs;
      And the priests, who are incredibly human-like, but have completely white skin and completely black eyes, usually with long silver hair reaching the neck and beyond.

      Faction Name: The Horde

      Starting Country:

      Faction Leader:

      Faction Description:
      The morloks of the Horde do not care about the outside world and devote themselves to the perfection of the species itself. The caste of the priests possesses a superhuman intelligence, besides a high tolerance to the radiation common to all the morloks.
      The Gellid lands chosen by the morloks to make their dwelling do not have any resource of great value to the human world, and that was the main motive of the race to have exiled there.
      The High Priest dreams of the day when the morloks will rule the world, and so he devotes all his strength to unlock the secrets of the Ancients (as the prewar humans are called). The ultimate goal of the Horde is to exterminate all humans, with a new and definitive nuclear holocaust.

      Factions Military:
      The Morlok armies are gigantic, and are always commanded by a priest, who uses infrasound instruments to command orders on every battlefield.
      The morloks warriors use their colossal force to crush whatever lies in their path. They do not have armor or even sharp weapons, only brute force and overwhelming numbers, plus the command of one of their leaders, who moves the morloks like pieces on a board.

      Factions Technology:
      Morlok technology is incredibly limited, but this is mainly done by the choice of the Morloks priests themselves, who have decided to use every second of their time developing weapons of destruction to annihilate the race of humans seen by them as inferior and undeveloped.

      Factions Political System:
      Morloks are divided into castes. The caste of the warriors, the beaters, and the priests.
      The beaters use their superior speed to explore the icy plains in search of supplies, and occasionally they also serve as beasts of burden and transport to the priests. Warriors form more than 90% of the Morlok population, and all are born with the instinct to kill. In addition to this instinct, there is another: The innate instinct to obey the priests, who make up less than 3% of the morlok population.
      Priests are morlok rulers, endowed with intelligence far above humans, they organize themselves into small nests, each controlled by a priest. Once a year the priests gather in the Great Council to share their findings.
      The ruler of all priests is the High Priest, who is only recognized in times of war or threat.

      Starting Technology Tree Picks (Go to the Tech Tree listed above) (Use a total of 10 Tech Points) (No Aircraft)
      Infantry level 1(2 points)
      Rocket level 1(8 points)

      Unit Descriptions For The Technologies That You Have Selected

      Infantry Morlok (300 soldiers)
      The warriors morloks (300 units)
      Morloks warriors have no armor or powerful weapons. But they count on overwhelming numbers and a greater force than any man. The morlok trades are always accompanied by at least one priest.

      Morloks priests have been trying to build the ancient mills that have nearly destroyed mankind for centuries. And in these centuries of research many advances have been made thanks to findings of the scouts. Today, the Horde priests already possess the knowledge to create rockets capable of devastating entire armies. But it is not enough.
    • SgtAchaean wrote:

      Surely you jest.

      :- blush! No, I was serious : )

      All that paperwork and documentation to read, I kinda improvised...I must have missed some Key details essential to the game. All the same there is nothing like a good fire and brimstone Puritan to argue your fate in the game, certainly a Puritan is never persuaded of anything and when it comes to God will never change their mind :)

      I seem to be in the wrong era. Will be back in a few hundreds years.