Ranking ends

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    • Ranking ends

      I guess this means that as long as there are two or more active players ranking points will normally be counted for the first 120 days of the game? If there is only one active player ranking will end after 14 days of being the only active player? Assuming that ranking ends in 7 days does that just mean that PvP kills and constructing buildings no longer count toward ranking points from that point on, but that any points accumulated up to that point still count?

    • Thanks, but this particular message seems to refer to when only 1 player is left, not two. Is there also an early rank ending time for two players? I don't care about the rank personally, I'm just curious what the rules are. I'm just playing this game to pick up some crates.
    • Some achievements like "Kill 1.000 units ..." are counted until day 40.
      Edit: New since a while now up to day 45

      Ranking points for Kills and Builds are counted up to day 120.
      (games with Elite AI and more than 2 active players allegedly even longer than day 120, as some players told me incidental; if it's so, it must be new after mid 2017; I've never tested that myself since then; maybe can someone verify?)

      From the moment when there's only one player left counting of ranking points will be limited to 14 days after next daychange - but not more than day 120 maximal >> so if you are alone from day 110, there are only 10 more days.
      But even if you were alone and the 14-day period was over, and after then a player comes back or a new one arrives, the ranking is activated again within the 120-day limit.
      Provided of course, the game once (or now) met the conditions and was ranked.

      But also after day 120, till ultimo, no matter if you're alone and since when, but provided the game was ranked before, it gives crates and some achievements like "Build 1.000 militia ..." (railroad guns, rocket fighters, etc ..).

      And also victory points are not affected by a time limit and once a game is ranked you get your gold and possible winner-achievements when the map will be finished and you're still active then, no matter how long the map takes.

      Limitation of warranty: "Ultimo" was only examined up to day 384 597 675 752 ..

      Browser games are an ingenious business idea to lure out money ..
      ..... >> more or less cleverly camouflaged as a real game <<
      .... .. so beware of caltrops, spring-guns and booby traps. :00008185:
      Warning! Texts above this signature may contain traces of irony! :D

      The post was edited 6 times, last by Restrisiko: changed the number for ultimo ().

    • I believe that the 14 day limit gets rescinded if another player returns from being inactive. But the 120 day limit is absolute.
      It seemed like such a waste to destroy an entire battle station just to eliminate one man. But Charlie knew that it was the only way to ensure the absolute and total destruction of Quasi-duck, once and for all.

      The saying, "beating them into submission until payday", is just golden...pun intended.

      R.I.P. Snickers <3
    • Diabolical wrote:

      I believe that the 14 day limit gets rescinded if another player returns from being inactive. But the 120 day limit is absolute.
      Absolutely right. I've forgotten above:
      And even if you were alone and the 14-day period was over, and then a player comes back or a new one arrives, the ranking is activated again within the 120-day limit.
      Had it already so on an elite AI map.

      Browser games are an ingenious business idea to lure out money ..
      ..... >> more or less cleverly camouflaged as a real game <<
      .... .. so beware of caltrops, spring-guns and booby traps. :00008185:
      Warning! Texts above this signature may contain traces of irony! :D
    • Hans A. Pils wrote:

      Restrisiko wrote:

      Victory points are not affected by a time limit, and once a game is ranked, you get your gold whenever you finish it.
      Does this also apply to the achievements for victories on the specific map type and for the overall victory counter (which it both clearly should)?
      Yes, the victory is still counted for both achievements - own experience from a map which I've closed later as day 300, and where I was alone from about day 180.

      "You can still earn victory medals and reward pay outs if the round ends after the ranked period."

      Browser games are an ingenious business idea to lure out money ..
      ..... >> more or less cleverly camouflaged as a real game <<
      .... .. so beware of caltrops, spring-guns and booby traps. :00008185:
      Warning! Texts above this signature may contain traces of irony! :D