The Wolf State is a cruel Dictatorship!

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    • The Wolf State is a cruel Dictatorship!

      Hello everyone,

      After speaking with a couple of members of the alliance known as the Wolf State, we have hereby concluded that the leader of the Wolf State, Romulus947, is a childish, lying dictator that, based on what I've heard, a clone of Hitler. Creating 3 seemingly "powerful" alliances, he has yet to challenge someone. He has tried repeatedly to control his members and force them to do whatever he wants. Punishments were DPRK style, cruel and harsh. Their description is apparently highly misleading. Romulus947 notes himself as a "Supreme Leader". Doesn't that sound unsettling? Why would you join a dictatorship, that doesn't even treat you well?

      How about joining a REAL alliance? Many of Romulus's top officials have left, and joined a new alliance called "Drastia"

      I speak to the members of the Wolf State, the Wolf State Secondary, and the Wolf State Tertiary.... leave now and join Drastia! Any alliance but the corrupt dictatorship of the Wolf States!

      My own alliance, the America Erwache 2, is also recruiting at this moment.. both Drastia and AE2 requires a Discord for communication! Join now!
      -G-CHHIIII :thumbup: