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    • MontanaBB wrote:

      For the record, I would oppose any effort to increase the existing speed and combat capabilities of the in-game armored car brigade. From a historical accuracy standpoint, the in-game armored car unit is just about right. It's fast, it's got a wide reconnaissance radiance for disclosing the presence of enemy units, and it provides relatively effective light armor support to infantry in the absence of enemy light, medium or heavy tank units. It is a well-designed niche unit for fast-moving reconnaissance, and no-one who understands its proper role should ever mass-produce them after light tanks and other fast-moving units become available.

      The real problem with the under-use of armored cars is that they must compete for research time against other more important optional combat units like commandos, self-propelled artillery, SPAA, battleships, mechanized infantry, naval bombers, which often already require gold to work them into the 24/7 research schedule.

      If the Bytro Labs brain trust wants to increase the use of armored cars, then the developers should consider reducing the length of its upper-level research cycles by half of the current times so the armored car unit can be maintained at then-current tech levels, and perhaps also decreasing the unit's daily oil consumption from 75 to 65 or 50 tons per day.
      MontanaBB says here the most important things. Like other already says, most times I see only Level 1 AC. If you look into the research tree for AC you see only marginally improvement. I like to see that AC get more defense against airstrikes in higher level and if it's possible to improve their line of sight. (In later games the arty fires before we can see the enemy)

      Would you like to play with your friends in a game where gold is banned?

      Watch for the next season starts in September!
    • Xarus wrote:

      I like to see that AC get more defense against airstrikes in higher level and if it's possible to improve their line of sight.
      The vulnerability of the armored car unit is a combination of fewer hit points than light tanks (15 vs. 20) and their weaker strength against other armor units (only 0.5 strength points vs. armor), and only secondarily their weakness against air attacks. That's probably as it should be. Their great strength is their speed and wider reconnaissance radius. They're a niche unit, and only a fool is going to mass produce them once light tanks are available (stronger, and almost as fast), motorized infantry (nearly as fast, more versatile), and mechanized infantry (stronger, and almost as fast) become available. The real reason why smart players don't use them more is the same as for most niche units: they must compete for the limited available research time against a variety of other units, many of which are more versatile and better fighting units, and can also fill the ground reconnaissance role almost as well.
    • Yes, we have no reason to spend the limited research time for AC. They only get a little bonus in combat against soft target and +5 km/h. In mid- and later game the recon will do air units and so they are out of order.

      They only used in bigger units to optimize the BSDE of a stack, and this stacks are most times so slow, that we have no advantage for it, if we develop a higher level AC.

      Maybe a other idea to improve the AC is to give stacks with AC a bonus in combat, because they have a better recon.

      Would you like to play with your friends in a game where gold is banned?

      Watch for the next season starts in September!
    • Xarus wrote:

      Maybe a other idea to improve the AC is to give stacks with AC a bonus in combat, because they have a better recon.
      Well, I might consider combining an AC unit with 3 or 4 railroad gun units in order to maximize the effective combat range of the guns ---- the AC unit has a wider reconnaissance range, and one of the quirks of the newly improved RRGs is that they can shoot farther than they can see. The highest level battleships have the same problem.