Ability to retreat

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    • My opinion is if you don't have enough troops now, you won't have enough troops later either, so why prolong the agony?

      Of course I was always a "Do or Die" kind of player on Risk as well, so it comes naturally to me.
      War is a game that is played with a smile. If you can't smile, grin. If you can't grin keep out of the way til you can. - Winston Churchill

      Retired from Bytro staff as of November 30, 2020.

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    • Deedle wrote:

      There should be the ability to retreat soldiers.For Example, if you have troops in a province and the are about to die you could just retreat them instead of them being annihilated. :)
      Not to sound like a jerk, but in all honestly you should use the features of the game better. COW offers a "spy" feature and it works really well.
      Stringfellow Hawke
      Air Wolf [Airwf]
      Staff Sergeant Lvl 63
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    • Being as people are sometimes off line, it would be nice when you log in and find you have a stack that has been jumped and is going to loose, to be able to split the stack. Some stay to die, to allow the others to retreat to better more defensive positions.
      "A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week." - General George S. Patton, Jr.

      "Do, or do not. There is no try" - Yoda
    • hillbillybonez wrote:

      Not to sound like a jerk, but in all honestly you should use the features of the game better.
      Second that. Yes, it is a real pain to log back in and find that your stack of armoured units has been jumped, and you cannot withdraw any of them. But the thing to do is to take reasonable steps to avoid that happening in the first place. If I am going offline for the day, or for a significant amount of time, I pull my main formations back to a safer rear area. That way, if an enemy strikes while I am asleep, he will spend time taking empty provinces.

      Historically, it is like the tactics used by Chiang Kai Shek against the Japanese, or later by the USSR. Pull you armies back so that they do not get annihilated.

      Yes, it is a pain to then have to move your armies back to the front the next day. But if you want to lower the risk of your precious tanks being jumped, you have to take the downside, which is that it will take them some time to get to the front the next time you get online.