After-match stats

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    • After-match stats

      General statistics shown in newspaper after the game is done, like:
      - sum of destroyed opposite forces
      - sum of lost own forces
      - sum of resources produces of each type
      - number of troops produces of 5 kinds infantry/armor/air/naval/secret
      - money spent on espionage
      - number of diplomatic changes peace/war/right of way/embargo/ally
      - number of coalitions in which player was
      - number of messages sent
      - number of articles to newspapers, written
      - number times of logging into the game
      - time spent ingame if possible to get

      Just for fun of reading it, comparing and analysing :D :thumbup:

      And that for every human player, who was in game, starting of those with most of Victory Points, and ending with guys deafeated earliest (0 VP, first) and for best 5 AI countries too
    • KoalaArmy wrote:

      The last two on your list is private information more associated with accounts (connected)
      and probably would not be considered.
      A daily running list of accumulated Victory Points of all players is already published in the in-game newspaper, and the final list of all survivors' VPs is shown in the final edition of the paper (obviously, everyone else has 0 VPs). So, that's not exactly "private information."
    • I did say the last two on his list !
      What has accumulated victory points and the final list of survivors have in common with
      (number of times logging into a game)
      (time spent in game)
      What im saying is those two proposals are information private to me and i dont
      want other human players reading in the game News Paper how many times i logged my game
      which by the way is a direct association of your account and in affect its saying how many times
      you log your account in a given period.
    • Well on Steam you can see how long people have played a certain game for, all it does is let us see who the no lifers are xD

      The log in times on the other hand, I agree, maybe a bit too personal. It would also let them join another game with you and abuse this information by attacking when you are offline without doing the hard work of watching your every move to learn this info instead.
      :00000441: Forum Gang Commissar :00000441:

      Black Lives Matter!!!!! All Lives Matter!!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

    • Quasi-duck wrote:

      The log in times on the other hand, I agree, maybe a bit too personal. It would also let them join another game with you and abuse this information by attacking when you are offline without doing the hard work of watching your every move to learn this info instead.
      This does not tell anybody who, when will be logged in in future. Doesn't say point in a day. Actually some players might log in once a day when turning on computer and till going to sleep be all day there, but with just one log in. So I don't think that there would be some bigger risk of abusing such info. It's mostly for curosity and comparing between players