Can we have music in CoW?

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    • Simple: server space and loading time. Any additions that slow the game down are to be avoided.

      If you want a "soundtrack," might I suggest you go to Youtube and create your own playlist of WW2-era songs?

      Here's a few suggested songs to include:

      1. Panzerlied -- Germany

      2. White Cliffs of Dover -- Britain

      3. White Christmas -- United States

      4. Lili Marlene -- Germany, Britain

      5. Colonel Bogey March -- Britain

      6. Hitler Has Only One Got Ball -- Britain

      7. Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy -- United States

      8. Scotland the Brave -- Britain

      9. Der Fuehrer's Face -- United States

      10. Erika -- Germany

      11. The Navy Hymn -- Britain, United States

      12. Der Koeniggraetzer Marsch

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