We need "SP Anti-tanks" + "Aircraft carrier" + "faster frigates for land troops"

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  • We need "SP Anti-tanks" + "Aircraft carrier" + "faster frigates for land troops"

    First time involving the Forum so don't know much about it.
    I remember seeing the "blueprint suggestion" post ages ago, yet never bother to speak up.

    SP Anti tanks
    I have been waiting for awhile now, by the tread, will we have any SP Anti-tanks?
    Too many players have been focusing on mainly making tanks and in fact, they are the superior units on land statistically.
    A light tank can eliminate 5 anti-tank well enough, which is kinda unfair.
    Introducing SP Anti tanks, however, can give another layer of diversity.
    This should give reckless players a pause before mobilizing tanks.

    Aircraft carrier
    Just saw the new beautiful wall paper on the front page and thanks for the update to the Call of War team as ever.
    Meanwhile, I noticed a couple flat top vessels.
    The air power ability has greatly reduced if a vast ocean or multiple country in between the targets.
    The carrier, I believe, is a solution to provide air support for landing troops.

    Faster Frigates or Land Troops at Sea
    Finally an idea originated from me (I hope).
    I find it frustrating whenever I see how slow my flotillas relocate despite me researched my navy to the top level.
    If Infantry can upgraded to cars and mechs, why not Frigates? Make them tougher and/or faster.

    The above is just my humble opinion.
    Please feel free to comment on it.
    And many thanks as always for the team that creates this wonderful game.

    PS. I wonder if Cavalry is a good suggestion too. Just make them as Militia Upgrades.
    PPS. And I do like the Medical Clinics, College and Commending Center on the other post.

    The post was edited 1 time, last by RunRing ().

  • aircraft carrier is already implemented but remove due to bugs. its already suggested before and we have talked about it in multiple threads, its already too much so lets not beat a dead horse.

    the SP anti tank or Tank destroyers are already suggested, but not sure if the devs plan to implement it.

    a thread suggesting faster smaller ships and other ship types is already given in full detail so look through the search tab.

    Yes the field hospital and support units is a good idea.

    and no cavalry is not a good idea here, an entire cavalry regiment of Poland attack a single German light tank, the light tank simply ignored them and the cavalry was completely devastated without even touching the tank. maybe in WW1 like S1914 but its a bad idea here, no need to waste resource on horses than on a tank.
    "Victory needs no explenation, defeat allows none"
    -imperium thought of the day
  • RunRing wrote:

    Faster Frigates or Land Troops at Sea
    Finally an idea originated from me (I hope).
    I find it frustrating whenever I see how slow my flotillas relocate despite me researched my navy to the top level.
    If Infantry can upgraded to cars and mechs, why not Frigates? Make them tougher and/or faster.
    My brother and I made a series of threads with details of ships along these lines. Check under the Naval Unit Poll (and vote, if you haven't all ready).

    Granted, these don't discuss ships to make transports move faster; that may be a complicated thing to add in-game. You might be thinking of Liberty Ships, though.
    "I'd be unstoppable if it wasn't for Law Enforcement and Physics!"

    -James Hylton
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  • the devs already said they will implement the marines in the future.

    carriers was removed this was before you even showed up in the forums, (i think) its was like, 1-2 months now?
    anyway there were carriers but removed immediately due to performance and bug problem. it will be re-introduce some time in the future, hopefully along side the new map.
    "Victory needs no explenation, defeat allows none"
    -imperium thought of the day
  • V1nd1cat0r wrote:

    and no cavalry is not a good idea here, an entire cavalry regiment of Poland attack a single German light tank, the light tank simply ignored them and the cavalry was completely devastated without even touching the tank.
    That's a lie. Cavalry Regiment Gdansk (or Poznan, not sure) attacked a brigade of light tanks with grenades and swords. Light tanks took extremely heavy casualties, while the cavalry barely any.
    The past is a foreign country.