RPG: Operation Icecube

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    • RPG: Operation Icecube

      Greetings, Ladies and gentlemen, I have an announcement to make: a RPG on the dominion antarctica map! This will be the first RPG on the dominion antarctica map. It wont include any landswap, just the basic war declaration rules and events and stuff (you know). Tho I would need an admin/game leader who creates the game, because I'm pretty busy right now. Comment below ifyou're interested in adminstrating the game. I would like you to have some RPG experience. Also you would have to be an game admin, to create the dominion antarctica game.Thank's!
      • 1506430653_news_images_6526.jpg

        970.58 kB, 764×480, viewed 233 times
      • Nazi-UFO-Uboats-Antarctica.jpg

        156.15 kB, 1,068×811, viewed 356 times

      The post was edited 1 time, last by The_OOJ ().