Palk Strait

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    • The water between Iceland and Greenland is called the Denmark Strait, the capital of Ma-Clique on the 100p map should be Qinghai and not Hainan, the city populations are all wack, I could go on. It's really not a problem if you think about it.
      "That's impossible! The Americans only know how to make razor blades."
      "We could do with some of those razor blades, Herr Reichsmarshall."
      Hermann Goring and Erwin Rommel
    • The maps are not intended to be used for actual navigation in the real world. These maps exist simply for gameplay purposes. Locations and names are not specific to any one moment in time, and are indeed an homage to many places, peoples, and countries that did not exist all at the same time.

      The page from Wikipedia about the Palk Strait indicates:

      wikipedia wrote:

      The shallow waters and reefs of the strait make it difficult for large ships to pass through,

      which does not say "impossible"

      It may mean that you have to be crazy to try it, but that is a different story :D
      War is a game that is played with a smile. If you can't smile, grin. If you can't grin keep out of the way til you can. - Winston Churchill

      Retired from Bytro staff as of November 30, 2020.

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