problems of all countries in

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    • problems of all countries in

      always when I join game of this event every map there is a axis alliance including four member germany,italy,france,UK
      I want to ask really why ? I didnt choose one of them even half of major powers were empty I thought ıt would be a good fight but they started to kill all small countries together they dont fight with each other in every map
      probably people see this map as a easy win for statistics and they have fun with killing small ones together
      u can destroy a small country in two hours and u can send a message '' hahaha '' it is funny
    • This really boils down into people being humans. Stoping players from forming alliances would ruin the game, although when you ally everyone around you, their are also negative effects.

      Such as decreased expansion, no control over your resupply etc. As a small country it would be best to slip past enemy lines, cause havoc and get a major power to help you out.

      Good Luck- Asylan