your 10 most useful units

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    • Honestly my game strategy is somewhat unorthodox compared to many posts here.

      In the early game, I like to spam:
      1. commandoes
      2. Motor Infantry
      3. Rocket/normal artillery
      4. Battleships
      along with a limited amount of
      1. Tac Bombers
      2. interceptors
      3. light tanks
      4.armored cars.
      Depending on the terrain and location I am fighting.

      In the mid end game i retain my commando and motor infantry force but I begin to move towards sp artillery and spaa , interceptors, carriers and cruisers. These make sure I don't get bombed to hell. Occasionally I create Submarine wolfpacks of 10 militia and 10 subs to attack convoys. I do however begin to retire the light tanks from my ranks, switching them out in favour of tank destroyers, and attack bombers. This setup normally allows me to invade with minimal losses and moderate speed.
    • Not much reference to doctrine. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.
      Personally I like speed but if I am facing an experienced player with pan- Asian I would go with heavier units. Pan Asian rrg is imo not worth the time/rss
      In WaW and pacific where you probably will have to cross water- and your opponents know it then your best units are spies; sometimes you’ve got to know where and what of kind of navy they have.
      It’s been said by many of the gray beards that a balanced approach is the best way to get to mid game. I’ve found that one style may work against one opponent, but then ( if a large map) you may need a different build to take on another opponent who has built 180 degrees different from the first.
      Back to naval units. I don’t care what they are- if you leave them in one place too long they will soon be gone, your opponent will have time to counter. Yep! really, I’ve seen people do it then they lose em.
      Delmarva pirate-ripping, running and hiding.
      Walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction, taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. :saint:
    • I honestly quite agree with bmfox. However, I usually prefer a single 10 stack of lvl 4 Strat bombers, to destroy cities, and lots of tac bombers for rapid support. I also utilise paratroops quite differently. I normally use them to take out ai or secure and defend coastal provinces while my troops disembark, and sometimes to step over nuked zones. I also use nukes quite a lot. theres not much you can do when you entire front is covered with fallout.
    • hilo8 wrote:

      Honestly my game strategy is somewhat unorthodox compared to many posts here.

      In the early game, I like to spam:
      1. commandoes
      2. Motor Infantry
      3. Rocket/normal artillery
      4. Battleships
      along with a limited amount of
      1. Tac Bombers
      2. interceptors
      3. light tanks
      4.armored cars.
      Depending on the terrain and location I am fighting.

      In the mid end game i retain my commando and motor infantry force but I begin to move towards sp artillery and spaa , interceptors, carriers and cruisers. These make sure I don't get bombed to hell. Occasionally I create Submarine wolfpacks of 10 militia and 10 subs to attack convoys. I do however begin to retire the light tanks from my ranks, switching them out in favour of tank destroyers, and attack bombers. This setup normally allows me to invade with minimal losses and moderate speed.
      I found this at a very convenient time
      My favorite saying is this one quote that I heard one day.
      All good things must come to an end
      That doesn’t mean all bad things must continue though

      Have a nice day!
    • NEPTUNE the great wrote:

      hilo8 wrote:

      Honestly my game strategy is somewhat unorthodox compared to many posts here.

      In the early game, I like to spam:
      1. commandoes
      2. Motor Infantry
      3. Rocket/normal artillery
      4. Battleships
      along with a limited amount of
      1. Tac Bombers
      2. interceptors
      3. light tanks
      4.armored cars.
      Depending on the terrain and location I am fighting.

      In the mid end game i retain my commando and motor infantry force but I begin to move towards sp artillery and spaa , interceptors, carriers and cruisers. These make sure I don't get bombed to hell. Occasionally I create Submarine wolfpacks of 10 militia and 10 subs to attack convoys. I do however begin to retire the light tanks from my ranks, switching them out in favour of tank destroyers, and attack bombers. This setup normally allows me to invade with minimal losses and moderate speed.
      I found this at a very convenient time
      How would you spam such units even at level 1?

      a. You don't have the high level production facilties for Commando's early game nor the resources to built those barracks, while they are frightfully expensive in terms of resources required.
      b. Mot-Inf I don't know for sure, but I think it also requires barracks level 2 at least and it consumes mega amounts of Food, Oil and Manpower, which you don't have either early game.
      c. RA only becomes available for research on Day 2 and needs some 17hrs to complete, after which you still have to produce, thus having RA only by Day 3.
      d. Spamming Interceptor + Tacs? When did you research those while you were researching Commando's, Mot-Inf, LTs and ACs and RA? You have extra research slots or something?

      As such it seems entirely impossible to spam that list of units.

      This begs the question: what do you consider 'early-game' ???

      And - not withstanding your scores being better than about 14 million other registered accounts - how does your advice translate into success, since you have a victory rate of 10%?
      STOP THE DUMBIFICATION in favor of P2W & fly-by phone players!

      CHIEF EDITOR of The-Only-True-Truth(TM)

      ⵉⵏⵣⴰⵍⵉⵢⵏ !!ⵢⵉⵏ ⵙⵙⵉⵎⵓⵏ ⴰⵣⴳⴰⵢⴰⵏ!!

      "We can be wrong & we can know this and still do both" - a random Gen-Z, politician or gaming company CEO

      The post was edited 1 time, last by vonlettowvorbeck ().

    • Needs an update after the Resources Ruined downgrade!
      STOP THE DUMBIFICATION in favor of P2W & fly-by phone players!

      CHIEF EDITOR of The-Only-True-Truth(TM)

      ⵉⵏⵣⴰⵍⵉⵢⵏ !!ⵢⵉⵏ ⵙⵙⵉⵎⵓⵏ ⴰⵣⴳⴰⵢⴰⵏ!!

      "We can be wrong & we can know this and still do both" - a random Gen-Z, politician or gaming company CEO

      The post was edited 1 time, last by vonlettowvorbeck ().

    • Phillip Bosley wrote:

      How do you know people's victory rates?
      You simply look 'm up in their player profile?
      Find the name in the rankings and click the player to see his profile.

      Looking up the player profile gives you a rather important bit of info on your opponents when you step into a map.
      You can see:
      - how many games played
      - how many solo vics
      - how many coa vics
      - K/D
      and if you put a little bit of effort in it, you can determine:
      - fav weapon type (and thus - if it is a good player - your countermeasures)
      - whether it is likely a gold player or not, but gives an indication of the possibility you might encounter a lot of gold)

      Ofc, some you won't find from forum activity, because their forum name will be different from their player name for any number of reasons.
      STOP THE DUMBIFICATION in favor of P2W & fly-by phone players!

      CHIEF EDITOR of The-Only-True-Truth(TM)

      ⵉⵏⵣⴰⵍⵉⵢⵏ !!ⵢⵉⵏ ⵙⵙⵉⵎⵓⵏ ⴰⵣⴳⴰⵢⴰⵏ!!

      "We can be wrong & we can know this and still do both" - a random Gen-Z, politician or gaming company CEO

      The post was edited 3 times, last by vonlettowvorbeck ().

    • hilo8 wrote:

      Honestly my game strategy is somewhat unorthodox compared to many posts here.

      In the early game, I like to spam:
      1. commandoes
      2. Motor Infantry
      3. Rocket/normal artillery
      4. Battleships
      along with a limited amount of
      1. Tac Bombers
      2. interceptors
      3. light tanks
      4.armored cars.
      Depending on the terrain and location I am fighting.

      In the mid end game i retain my commando and motor infantry force but I begin to move towards sp artillery and spaa , interceptors, carriers and cruisers. These make sure I don't get bombed to hell. Occasionally I create Submarine wolfpacks of 10 militia and 10 subs to attack convoys. I do however begin to retire the light tanks from my ranks, switching them out in favour of tank destroyers, and attack bombers. This setup normally allows me to invade with minimal losses and moderate speed.
      Not withstanding your scores being better than about 14 million other registered accounts - how does your advice translate into success, since you have a victory rate of 10%?

      See my previous post why your set-up is totally impossible, unless you consider everything up to day 10-15 as early game....
      STOP THE DUMBIFICATION in favor of P2W & fly-by phone players!

      CHIEF EDITOR of The-Only-True-Truth(TM)

      ⵉⵏⵣⴰⵍⵉⵢⵏ !!ⵢⵉⵏ ⵙⵙⵉⵎⵓⵏ ⴰⵣⴳⴰⵢⴰⵏ!!

      "We can be wrong & we can know this and still do both" - a random Gen-Z, politician or gaming company CEO